What is the primary, secondary, tertiary sort for the Missing Check Report

Running the Missing Check report is not consistent and the sort order is not logical. I would think that the report would be in check number order. The YTD report shows missing checks 7981-7987. These checks were dated in 2024 so I would expect them to be missing. Changed the Custom Date Jan 2024 to today and the report shows DEP type first then some check # then blanks and then EFT and then the rest of the check sequences. It reports missing checks 7981-7987, but those are at the end of the same report. Also reports missing checks 7978-7980 but those are at the beginning of the report. Changed the Custom Date Jan 2023 to today report starts with an ATM entry, then some checks, blanks, Billpay, DEP, EFT and the remaining of the check sequences. It also reports missing checks that are elsewhere in same the report. Tried to delete and reenter the entries but still had the issue. Tried to change the check numbers and then back but still had the issue. WHAT is the primary, secondary, tertiary sort for this report? Are there hidden fields used in this sort?
Clearly the primary sort is (supposed to be) the Check # field. I find that report presenting first numerical check numbers, followed by blanks in the Check # field, followed by alphanumerics in that field. Among the alphanumerics are pure numbers 10-digit long (1-billion or larger). Clearly those are beyond the magnitude set aside as numbers for that field. More to your question, I seem to consistently get ATM, DEP, and EFT transactions in that sequence.
I do spot one oddity — I have a check # 5293 dated 1/5/23, posted date 1/11/23. If I customize the report from 12/31/22, the check appears first among the numerical checks as it should. If my date range begins 1/1/23, that check appears among the alphanumerics.
As to secondary sorts, among my blank check # entries, the secondary sort appears to be "Order entered". You can sort the register by Order entered by using the sort selection pull down upper right atop the register. Other than that diagnostic tool, Order Entered is a hidden field.
I am currently on R60.20 but I believe this behavior has been consistent for a long time (in Quicken terms).