QLH not really usable as is for serious users - needs the following at minimum:

Custom folders is worthless. I don't want a list of tons of individual folders at the bottom of the left pane which I have to scroll through. I want to be able to edit categories, add multiple levels of folders, and actually ORGANIZE my information in ways that makes sense to me, not to the generic, simple quicken life hub user as estimated by a bunch of devs focused on a minimally viable product.
I should be able to drop any of these folders under any of the categories listed in the top left of the app. Being stuck in the custom folders list is ridiculous.
Items should be droppable into these cascading/multi-level folders and drill-down-able so you can quickly find what you want. I don't want to create a new record for each item for each person in the family and then find it from a list or a search. I want to drill down based on how I want it organized. For example, I want an ID Category, with a Passports folder and then be able to stick all of my family's passport items in that folder.
I'm not typing all the details from these IDs into the fields in each item. If AI isn't capable of reading the images and transposing the info (pretty simple stuff today), hide all those fields unless someone wants to see them.
While I understand all the suggested actions (quick adds, etc) help a new user, these should be toggleable or moved to tiny buttons at the top of the screen. They are huge bubbles/icons/areas of the screen that take up valuable real estate. This app should be about organizing my data and making it usable for me, not letting me see limited parts of it covered up by all this helper trash that I can't turn off.
With that in mind, please allow for configuring smaller fonts. I feel like I'm using my grandmother's phone in this app. More info visible on the screen, not just show 10 categories , make me click on one and scroll until my hand is tired or lots of junk that hides the important data. The sooner i can see what i'm looking for, the more value this has.
This app has a lot of potential and could seriously serve an important need many of us have. But as designed, it's a minimally viable product that seems more like something you're trying to monetize than use as a solution for a real-world problem. As a developer and manager, I've seen this result all too often and it comes from short-sighted profit expectations. Sadly, it seems like a trend, as I clicked through to the Quicken WillMaker, which is also an inadequate MVP. Who makes a product for writing wills and doesn't include the person writing the will to choose between per capita and per stirpes - one of the most basic choices in a will. And you can't even customize it afterwards. It suggest you can take what it makes to an attorney for review, but if i wanted to do that, I'd have done that without the products. In any case, you get my point. Whether we're talking about QWM or QLF, you're more trying to land subscriptions for minimal work than trying to meet a market need, which generally speaking is a major failure as a product organization. Wish someone with a brain would take over and give us what we need, because it would sell like crazy if done well. Will probably cancel both subscriptions shortly if I don't get some meaningful indication that this stuff is going to change for the better.
Well, seeing the response I've gotten on these suggestions, i'm cancelling both products. Disappointing in all respects.