How to print a subset of my Categories list?
Within my Categories list, there is a subset of categories that I use to tag payments related to state and federal tax itemization. Some of those categories are not marked as tax related.
While preparing my taxes I create a Itemized Report and specify the categories that I want to be in that report.
My question is, Using the Itemized report, is there a way to print the list of categories that went into that report? Perhaps there is another way to print those subcategories independent of the report?
A brute force way would be to print ALL the categories to a file (which I don't know how to do) and edit out the categories not contained in the report, but that would be a fair amount of work and subject to error….Is there a more direct way?
Thanks for any guidance.
If you just want to see a list of your Categories in Quicken Classic for Windows, go to Tools / Category List.
Using this view it's easy to see whether a category has a Tax Line Item associated with it and whether the Tax related Category flag is checked or not.When reviewing your Tools / Category List please make sure that
• the Category List is set to "Show Full List" and
• "[x] Show hidden categories" is selected and
• the list is sorted by category (if the Category column title does not have a "▲" in it, click the title to sort the list) and
• the grey sidebar is set to show All CategoriesAdd the optional Usage column to the view if you want to see how many transactions use each category: Click the gear icon in the upper right of the view to add or remove columns from the view.
The Category List can be printed. Note the printer icon in the lower left of the view.
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Thank you for the detailed help.
In my situation, not all of the categories I use in my tax itemization have the Tax Line Item associated with it or the Tax related Category flag is checked.
So I could look at my previous itemized report, find the matching categories and mark them appropriately and then print out the list.
Export the entire list and go through item by item and delete that items that are not in my previous itemized report.
Either way, still a lot of work. Was hoping there is some other approach given that for the report I have items listed that are not tax items (I would not know this until I discuss them with my tax preparer).
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I edited some categories to include the Tax Item marking. If I just want to print just the categories that are marked as a Tax Line Item, how is this done? (can it be done?)
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I can't think of way to filter the Category List to only show categories having a Tax Line item and/or are marked with the Tax related flag.
The only way to reduce the number of categories shown is by selecting one of the Category Groups in the left sidebar of the Category List view, e.g., Personal Expense.
No need to show category groups which don't contain any of the desired categories …If you print the Category List on paper (it should only be a couple of pages unless you have thousands of categories after trimming the list …) you can see at a glance which category has a Tax Line Item and which of these has the Tax related flag set: The printed report shows a trailing " T" in Tax Line Item column instead of the checkmark icon.