Error in Inv. Act when migrating from QWIN to QMAC

Hi everyone - yesterday I decided to try QMac after 30 years QWin, so (after backing up) I went through the migration protocol. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that all banking accounts came over, perfectly. My mutual funds also came over "ok" in terms of # shares; however one problem — and this is my question. Back in 2019, I executed some transactions by selling some of a mutual fund and using those proceeds to buy a second fund. (This was one transaction at the brokerage house.). For QWin reporting, I used the "BoughtX" and "SoldX", transferring from the one fund to the other fund. Example: "SoldX $10,000 of Fund A and BoughtX $10,000 of Fund B". This worked well in QWin.
In my new QMac, the sale of shares (in A) and the purchase of shares (in B) are properly recorded. However, Fund A is showing, in addition, "Cash" amount of $10,000. in other words, the Fund A account "received the proceeds" from the sale and it remains there. Similarly, Fund B shows a negative cash balance of -$10K.
Any advice on best way to resolve? I've tried to "transfer cash" from Fund A to Fund B, yet I haven't figured out how to do that as I can in QWin. (I only can "transfer" without showing to which account!) Many thanks,
If you want to transfer cash from one account to another, there's a Transfer field you can add to the register to show where the money is being transferred to. Click on the Columns button in the lower right corner of the register and check "Transfer". Then in the register on the transfer transaction you can click on the Transfer field and select the account where the cash is moving to (or moving from, depending on which register you're looking at).
You could also use Remove Shares and Add Shares transactions to remove assets from Fund A and add them to Fund B without having to transfer any cash (though in that case I would put something in the memo field of each transaction to record why the shares were being removed/added).
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Thank you Jon - the transfer works perfectly. C nearly I need to find the "quick start guide" to facilitate my launch on using QMac (vs QWin). I'll run them in parallel for a few weeks to see how it goes. Looks like I may have "lost" some of my Categories and new transactions are assigned to different Categories compared with QWin. I suspect that will be a matter of getting used to…….
Thanks again for your help to this old "newbie"