MY spending "bar" at the top of the planning screen is wrong

I am using quicken classic for windows. On the planning page that shows the budget vs. actual by month, there is a "bar" at the top that shows my overall spending vs. budget. it shows I'm $31,000+ over budget. When I look at the monthly actuals column, it shows my monthly repeating amounts for the entire year. I don't recall seeing that before.

When I run a budget vs actual report, the amounts are fine. I want the bar on the planning page to only show actuals spent to-date…not expected to be paid thru year-end.


Anne C


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    In your budget, have there recently appeared new categories named Everything else in one or more places?
    If so, these might be what's upsetting the numbers. The programmers are looking into the issue, I'm told.

    Try eliminating these categories from the budget by following the advice I posted here.

  • annegchodosh
    annegchodosh Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks, I don't have any Everything else, but I do have Other under a series of parent categories. I made sure that the Parent wasn't checked, but I do have "Other" checked. So, I'm not over budget but it still shows the entire year. Do you want me to uncheck the Other and add a new sub-category to those Parents? or just wait for the programmers to make the fix.



  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you're sure that there are no actual transactions reported under "Other", you can deselect them.
    The "Other" virtual category(*) is used in the Budget view to show transactions made to a parent category, e.g., "Auto", when the transaction should have been categorized to a subcategory of "Auto".
    Without the "Other" (e.g., Auto:Other) virtual subcategory, the rollup totals from subcategories to parent category would look like Quicken can't add transactions correctly.

    (*) it's a "virtual" category, because "Other" doesn't exist in the real Category List. It only exists in the budget view and reports. And, no, it cannot be deleted from the Category List unless you previously created a real category or subcategory doppelganger named "Other".