Make all manual reminders editable, not just the next scheduled one

I use a zero-balance budget method in Quicken Windows. I project out 12 months with income and expenses netting to zero on a daily basis.
To make zero-balance budgeting work in Quicken, I need to set up manual reminders for all income and expenses and edit the amounts for any or all of them so that I can net to zero on a daily basis
The issue is that currently only the next scheduled manual reminder amount is editable when you show them in the account register, but I need 12 months of reminders to be editable.
To get around this limitation I am forced to post the reminders out 12 months in the in the future. This allows me to edit the amounts for any and all the reminder transactions for the 12-month period.
It would be great if all manual reminders amounts are editable individually when you show them in your account register so you wouldn't need to actually post them for 12 months. Then, you could just show reminders in the account registers and edit the amounts individually when you need.
I follow your same budgeting using reminders for all income and expenses. It works pretty good. However, when you edit a scheduled reminder the popup gives you a choice to just edit this current one or all future ones. So, I don’t understand what your issue is.
----Quicken User since 1998 ----
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@Philip107 - currently, you can only update all the future ones to the same amount. It's all or nothing. You cannot update each future reminder amount individually. When you show future reminders in your account register, you can only edit the amount for the next upcoming one. The subsequent reminder amounts are not editable. (I have edited my original post to clarify.)