Why does a Bond that matured not show on an investment report?

Richard@ Member ✭✭✭
A Bond that matured on 4/1/19 does not show up on investment portfolio reports dated prior to the maturity date. This causes an understatement of the portfolio value on the date of the report. Can anyone help with a solution to this issue?

Best Answer

  • Richard@
    Richard@ Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I actually found a solution - when the Bond matures, my brokerage sends a transaction labeled " Return of Capital" - I found that I needed to add a manual transaction for "Remove Shares". That seemed to solve the problem of the Bond not appearing on Portfolio Views with dates prior to the maturity date. Hope this is helpful to anyone else experiencing this problem.


  • Richard@
    Richard@ Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I actually found a solution - when the Bond matures, my brokerage sends a transaction labeled " Return of Capital" - I found that I needed to add a manual transaction for "Remove Shares". That seemed to solve the problem of the Bond not appearing on Portfolio Views with dates prior to the maturity date. Hope this is helpful to anyone else experiencing this problem.
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