Net Worth Report over time incorrect after update today -HELP!

I have used Net Worth over time (both a customized saved, and the default) of today it is giving incorrect amounts for all dates except current. All past amounts are fixed (e.g. every date and account is the same over time). Bank balances actually all show 0 (except for current), and most other accounts show same fixed amount over time. Anyone else having this problem? Was i the update? Or is m data corrupted.

Best Answer

  • mweinberg98
    mweinberg98 Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Quicken support solved with a super validation of my data. Thank you.


  • mweinberg98
    mweinberg98 Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Quicken support solved with a super validation of my data. Thank you.
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