Memorized payee

There are 1000 results for this topic. :( This is something the download transaction from the bank to quicken can’t get together on. When the download come from the bank its says as an example online payment 123456789 to SAN the next time the online payment numbers are different and the amounts are the same so it can’t be categorized. I can’t call the bank and tell them to make the payee different. The categories are in place the amounts are in place but the downloaded names don’t match up to put it in place so is that all I can do?

Best Answer

  • GeoffG
    GeoffG SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    You are missing the other component to Memorized Payee for downloads, Renaming Rules. You need to use renaming rules to turn the cryptic payee field into a usable and consistent format before Quicken can successfully add the correct categories. Press F1 Help in Quicken to search on renaming rules.


  • GeoffG
    GeoffG SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    You are missing the other component to Memorized Payee for downloads, Renaming Rules. You need to use renaming rules to turn the cryptic payee field into a usable and consistent format before Quicken can successfully add the correct categories. Press F1 Help in Quicken to search on renaming rules.
  • pt216
    pt216 Member ✭✭
    Thank you Geoffg ready to attempt that fix on the next download for that - 1 more thing when updating window in the all transactions window what happened to the spinning arrows they show for a second then disappear
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