Elvio Member
I just upgraded from Quicken 2007 Mac to Quicken subscription Mac (big learning curve). How do I change, to move my cursor, from TAB to RETURN/ENTER? I had this option in the 2007 version

Best Answer

  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    It sounds like you want Return/Enter to move from field to field (column to column) instead of causing the current editing transaction to be saved. There is no option for this in current QMac. 

    The only workaround would be to use a third party utility (eg. Keyboard Maestro) that lets you swap the function of these two keys within a specific app. However, that would apply throughout Quicken making you use Tab at times when it doesn't make any sense.

    My suggestion would be to just keep using Tab to move between fields while editing a transaction. After a while, you'll be used to it and it will make total sense the way it works in the current version.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s


  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    It sounds like you want Return/Enter to move from field to field (column to column) instead of causing the current editing transaction to be saved. There is no option for this in current QMac. 

    The only workaround would be to use a third party utility (eg. Keyboard Maestro) that lets you swap the function of these two keys within a specific app. However, that would apply throughout Quicken making you use Tab at times when it doesn't make any sense.

    My suggestion would be to just keep using Tab to move between fields while editing a transaction. After a while, you'll be used to it and it will make total sense the way it works in the current version.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
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