USBank Password Problem

Every time I run a one step update, I get a nagscreen telling me to update my USBank password. I've tried to humor it and play its silly game. I've changed my password 2 or 3 times. USBank has no problem accepting my password changes, but Quicken still wants me to change every time I run Update. Update does not download that account, I guess Quicken doesn't think I deserve it. So, how can I get rid of this nagscreen that comes with every update. Will an account "reset" fix that behavior? Will a "reset" have any adverse effects on my account that I'll have to fix afterwards? If a "reset" doesn't fix the password problem, what would?


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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    You might want to try deleting you Cloud Account.  It sometimes gets corrupted or out of sync and this deletion process will cause it to be recreated with a fresh Cloud Account.
    1. Create a new Quicken data file:  File > New Quicken File.  Select a unique name for the file...TEST would be a good one.
    2. During the set up process, make sure Mobile & Web Sync is turned on.
    3. No need to set up any accounts in this TEST file.
    4. Once the file is created:  Preferences > Mobile & Web > Sync = ON > OK > Preferences > Quicken ID and Cloud Accounts > Cloud accounts associated with this Quicken ID > in the File Name column click on the name of your Primary Quicken data file > Delete > Yes > Delete > Close > OK.
    5. Open your Primary Quicken data file.  You will probably need to enter your current Quicken ID and PW.  As the file opens it will recreate the Cloud Account.
    6. If you are not using Mobile or Web, I suggest you make sure Mobile & Web Sync is turned off:  Preferences > Mobile & Web > Sync = OFF > OK.
    7. Try running OSU or Update Now to see if it resolved the issue.  If it requires you to enter a new PW, try running OSU or Update Now, again to see if it resolved the issue.
    Let me know if this resolved the issue for you.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Member ✭✭✭
    Hi Boatnmaniac. Thanks for the quick response. I'm reluctant to try your suggestion. I've never used web or mobile Q. I believe my mobile and web sync is OFF and always has been. Please see the screenshot and confirm for me that I don't have a sync issue with the cloud.

    Please reply with any comments or suggestions. Thanks.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, we can't know for sure what is causing the issue you are experiencing.  A Cloud Account issue is one of the potential causes and I know it was what caused a similar issue for one of my accounts a while back so I offered up deleting the Cloud Account as a possible solution for you. 
    Note that every Quicken user who needs to sign in with a Quicken ID and PW in order to use Quicken (which is everyone who is running Quicken subscription) has a Cloud Account, regardless of whether or not Mobile or Web are used.  When Sync is turned off, the large amounts of financial and accounts data required for Mobile and Web are not saved there.  But that Cloud Account is still needed to communicate between your Quicken installation and your account so it knows that it has a valid license, it knows which edition is to be run and it knows which version you are running.  Other things that are saved there include UserIDs and PWs for accounts set up for Express Web Connect (which is what US Bank uses), some categories information and probably a few other things that are rather benign.
    When Cloud Accounts get corrupted or out of sync with the data file or with the account it is problematic.  One of those potential problems is that EWC PWs are not remembered so Quicken prompts you to log in when you run OSU or Update Now.  And when it does this it can also perhaps think that it is a new account so it prompts you to generate a new PW.
    If Cloud Account corruption or a sync issue is what is causing the issue you are seeing, then there are only 2 ways to fix that.  Deleting the Cloud Account so it gets recreated is one and it is the surest way of fixing it.  It is a safe procedure and there is no risk to the data in your Quicken file.  And the only file that needs to have Mobile & Web Sync turned on is that TEST file...which has no accounts data at all in it so that data in your Primary data file will not be subject to it.
    But since you are apprehensive about doing this, then you could try to Reset the Cloud Account.  But for this you will need to turn Sync on in your Primary data file, click on Reset your cloud data and follow the prompts and when the Reset is completed you can turn Sync off, again.  Reset is not as sure a way to fix Cloud Account issues as is Deleting the Cloud Account but it can fix many issues.
    One other option you can try does not involve turning Sync ON at all. It assumes that the Cloud Account is not the issue but the account connection setup is.
    • If you do this, be sure to back up your Primary data file in case something goes wrong.
    • Account Register > upper right Gear icon > Edit Account Details > Online Services tab > Deactivate > Set Up Now > follow the setup prompts.
    • During the setup process, if Quicken asks you what to do with the data that is downloaded be sure to link it to the account you already have set up in Quicken.
    • This process might enter transactions into the register that are duplicates of what was previously entered.  Duplicate transactions will need to be manually deleted.
    If none of these fixes your issue we can look into what other troubleshooting can be done.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Member ✭✭✭
    Hi Boatnmaniac. Hey, thanks a lot for the additional info. Deleting the cloud account sounds like the right thing to do, now that I understand that I indeed do have a cloud account which stores the passwords. I wasn't apprehensive, I just saw it as a waste of time since I didn't use mobile or the web. Thanks for the elaboration, it makes all the difference. I'll do that tonight or tomorrow and let you know if it fixes my problem. Thanks for your help.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Hi Boatnmaniac. No luck. I followed your instructions, except when turned on Quicken ID and cloud accounts, I deleted my Primary Quicken file and also several others that showed up, leaving only the Test file. When I opened my Primary Quicken file, it did NOT request my current Quicken ID and PW. The process went well, I expected it to solve the problem, but it didn't. I changed my USBank pw, ran OSU, it asked for a new password. I gave it my new one that I had just created. It said it couldn't connect. I closed Q, went back to USBank, logged in using my new PW. I went back to Q, I checked the vault, it had my new PW, I tried OSU again, it asked for new password. I tried putting in my new one again, but it refused it because it was the same as it already had. It gave me a troubleshooting option, I tried that, could not fix it. Any suggestions?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are you using letters, numbers and special characters in your US Bank PW?  If so, try again without using any special characters.  Some special characters might be OK for US Bank but there are some special characters that cause problems for Quicken.
    If you still cannot connect, you might want to try the following:
    1. Open the TEST2 file. 
    2. Make sure Mobile & Web Sync = OFF.
    3. Try to set up your US Bank account(s) via Add Account.
    If you are able to set up the account(s) in this TEST2 file, then it is a pretty good indication that the problem might be related to your Primary data file and we can look into that some more.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Member ✭✭✭
    Well, this is curious. I opened Test2 and added USBank account. Outside of Q I logged into my USBank account, to make sure I was using the right password, and I was. No trouble getting into my USBank account. When I put those same credentials in the account setup in Q, it says it cannot connect.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2021
    Do you have any special characters in your PW?  If so, you might want to try a new PW with no special characters in it.  As mentioned previously, there are some special characters that Quicken does not play well with.
    If that does not work and if you need to get your US Bank account(s) updated in Quicken, you can log into your online account(s) and then try downloading manually from there and import it into Quicken.  Just make sure you select the date range to be downloaded and then download it in QFX (or "Quicken") format.  This is called the Web Connect process.  Given that you are getting CC-5XX error codes this might not work but it sure would be worth giving it a try.  If it works it will give you an option to update your US Bank account(s) until EWC works, again.
    If this still does not work, you might want to read the following Support article regarding CC-502 error code:  Error When Updating Accounts: CC-502 [Support Article].  It might require someone from Quicken to reset something on the aggregator's server (something users cannot do) to get the problem resolved.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @shelquis

    Thank you for reaching out to Quicken Community. I apologize you are having this issue and for the frustration. I was able to recreate a similar issue on my end. To get this issue reported please contact Quicken Support. An agent will be able to pull the log file and escalate as needed. 

    To contact Quicken Support click here. For more information regarding error CC-502 please visit the link below.

    Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes and of any questions/concerns.

    -Quicken Paloma 
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2021
    Well, I'm afraid I've managed to make a bad situation worse. The 502 error shown in my prior post has been replaced with directions to start over. Here's the latest error message.

    So, now it's saying I need to enter USBank provided credentials as if I'd never had my USBank account connected to Q. I called USBank Tech Support, figuring they could probably short circuit that process, and get my connection re-set. No such luck, the support guy I talked to said I needed to follow the instructions, and he would send me a one-time Quicken Card Access Password to get the connection re-set. That comes by snail mail, so if I'm lucky I'll have it in a week. 

    Now, I'm optimistic that process will connect my Bank account to Q. But, I'm scared to death that the new connection will unleash a flurry of transactions, and I'll end up with duplicate transactions for the last two years.

    Given all that background, here's my new question. What can I do in the next week to ensure that I keep all my present transaction records and don't end up with duplicates of everything when I finally connect using the USBank provided one-time password?


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