Budget Disappeared.



  • GuyManDude
    GuyManDude Member ✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Life Planner thank goodness is still there.
  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    To my surprise and satisfaction, I have had continuous access to my budget since 31 July (I know only 2-3 days).  I credit mtn_livings suggestion to repair .net framework and possibly R42.19.  Now being presented with R42.21 as most recent version.  My understanding was that 42.19 was a beta release to affected customers to address disappearing budgets.  Does anyone who has had success with 42.19 know if 42.21 contains the same "fix" that 42.19 contained?  I notice that 42.19 is still not cited in Quicken Release Notes.  Jumps from 42.8 to this new one, 42.21.  Want to avoid any new updates that don't include whatever potential fix may have been successful in 42.19.  Hopefully they are cumulative?
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @CMRater said:
    >   My understanding was that 42.19 was a beta release to affected customers to address disappearing budgets.  Does anyone who has had success with 42.19 know if 42.21 contains the same "fix" that 42.19 contained?  I notice that 42.19 is still not cited in Quicken Release Notes.  Jumps from 42.8 to this new one, 42.21. 


    There 42.19 release notes are not on the website https://www.quicken.com/support/quicken-windows-release-notes, but they are visible from within Quicken after I was upgraded to 42.21 from 42.8 (shouldn't that have been called 42.08 ?? )

    Unfortunately, I can't copy/paste text from the internal release notes.

    I rec'd 42.19, 42.8 and 42.21 all as regular pushed updates. Some users have reported here that they were individually sent a 'beta' of 42.19. I don't think that necessarily means that 42.19 was a beta. Perhaps it means that those select users were asked to test a patch that was implemented on top of 42.19.
    Quicken for Windows since 1995
    Frequently loosing budgets since 2017
    Occasionally loosing budgest since 2012
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  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Have you used 42.21 and been able to access budgets
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • dzf22k
    dzf22k Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just lost my Budgets on R42.19 after a manual update to a Separate:Account-Investment-Holdings-Security-Price. After it saved the entry I got the dreaded 'No Budgetable Accounts' and the Planning tab had no Budgets.

    Restored my backup from yesterday to successfully retrieve the Budgets. Running locally with Mobile & Web Sync: OFF.

    Updated to R42.21. Verified that Mobile & Web Sync: OFF remained set. We'll see where this goes.
  • dzf22k
    dzf22k Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Retraced my steps leading up to the R42.19 disappearing budgets incident previously reported but now using R42.21 locally. Manually imported 6 Banking QFX files (including 2 in the Separate Account group). Then while on the Planning tab did a Complete Backup.

    The next step was to manually update a security price in the Separate:Investing group that was responsible for my Budget loss in R42.19. The Budgets remained intact after the manual price update under R42.21.

    Running locally with Mobile & Web Sync; OFF.
  • tdreed1265
    tdreed1265 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Was presented with an update today, but declined and continue to run on the "Beta" as I have not lost the Budget in over a week now.
  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Well it does not appear that 42.19 contains the ultimate fix for disappearing budgets based on people's experiences.  My first success with 42.19 was short lived.  But I ran a repair net.frame work utility at mtn_living's suggestion and that may be as important as a new release?  Of course it would be great if Quicken could identify if this an underlying issue and somehow either suggest or better yet actually run a the repair utility within a new version.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    tdreed, some are questioning whether 42.19 is a "beta".  Were you specifically informed that it is a beta?  If so, it would be helpful if Quicken could confirm whether 42.21 includes any fix attempts in 42.19.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • tdreed1265
    tdreed1265 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @CMRater said:
    > tdreed, some are questioning whether 42.19 is a "beta".  Were you specifically informed that it is a beta?  If so, it would be helpful if Quicken could confirm whether 42.21 includes any fix attempts in 42.19.

    Beta is probably a misnomer. This was presented as a "Production Build", but provided as a download link vs. automatic update.
  • YTilahun
    YTilahun Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi Everyone. I have been reading everyone's comments and wanted to chime in.

    I have had the budget disappearing problem for over a year and a half. During that time I've called quicken helpdesk several times and they've never been able to help me. Sometimes they never even knew the problem existed.

    But a couple of months, I turned off "Sync to Qukcken Cloud" on One Step Update Settigs and turned off "Quicken Mobile and Web Apps" under preference.

    Ever since then, I have not had a single budget disappear. I still back up every few transactions. But, even though I cannot prove it I'm absolutely convinced the issue is with the "Sync to Qucken Cloud".

    Hope this helps to someone.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Hey YTilahun, many of us have tried to turn off cloud sync, but we still get brief cloud sync window.  Do you?
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • hjfcfonew
    hjfcfonew Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I also had a support ticket regarding this issue. I believe the numbers was 9561649, but I'm not sure since it was handled in a chat session and I never got a confirming email other than a request for and after support survey. The ticket was closed by them, but the issue was not resolved as I became so frustrated with it that I just gave up. Very disappointing.
  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Just lost budget again with 42.19.  Had created a new transaction report.  Ran budget report, but then could not access budget.  Fortunately had made a backup as I had noticed creating a new report as one of many potential budget loss triggers.  Was able to restore budgets on first try and access budgets.

    This problem appears far from over!
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • YTilahun
    YTilahun Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Hi @CMRater . Thank you for e-mail. All I did was on the one step update setting, I checked off, Sync to quicken cloud. Ever since then, I have not lost any budget yet. Please let me know if this clear. Thank You.
  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for follow-up YTilahyn.  I also have sync checked as Off, by during file restores to recover budget, the syncing to quicken cloud appears briefly.  Does this happen to you.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • tdreed1265
    tdreed1265 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @CMRater said:
    > Thanks for follow-up YTilahyn.  I also have sync checked as Off, by during file restores to recover budget, the syncing to quicken cloud appears briefly.  Does this happen to you.

    This happens for me on every restore.
    Still running 42.19 with no issues for budgets for over a week now.
  • Unknown
    edited August 2022
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  • CMRater
    CMRater Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    [Removed - Off Topic/Rant]Really?
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • James J
    James J Member ✭✭✭✭
    I just updated to R42.21 build 27.142.21 on a Windows 11.

    Budgets are gone.  Someone really goofed up, to have destroyed a major functionality of the program.  Ooopsies.  Nice work.

    So is all our previous work wiped out?

  • mobleyw
    mobleyw Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    8-6-22, 0916 EDT
    Returned to my desktop today and reviewed blog. Obviously budget problem not yet resolved but ? improved. invited and updated to latest version upon opening Quicken. I updated all accounts and backed up several times, all with preservation of budget. Restored to my laptop. Confirmed Cloud backup/sync turned off in preferences. Restored last backup from PC to Laptop. Invited to open the restored Quicken file. Noted Cloud backup sequence. Several seconds of "hourglass" while Quicken worked. Budget was still present. (Relief). Backup and Cloud sync still present. Hoping for continued attention to these matters since issue does not seem to be entirely resolved.
    Noteworthy: I have followed advice of Mtn_Living: closing Quicken every night and turning off PC, which according to him, with some software experience, seems to stabilize?
  • James J
    James J Member ✭✭✭✭
    Is there an established process for getting the budget back?  And is that process in this thread?

    (It'd be great if the correction to restore the budgets were posted to a sticky somewhere, are they?)

  • mtn_living
    mtn_living Member ✭✭✭✭
    As far as I know, other than restoring from a good backup, no one has restored budget access to an existing budget once lost. I dug in and rebuilt my 2022 budget from. scratch then, before beta software, rigorously backed up as I sent along - and I mean CTRL B every few steps and checking as regularly if budget was still there. This let me restore when I lost budget.  Knock on wood I’ve had continuous budget access for several weeks now.

    Mobleyw; suspect it is mostly closing Quicken when not in use that’s most stabilizing. Insures you are working with a freshly loaded copy of software the next time you load/use it. Shutting down the computer and restarting it similarly loads a nice fresh clean copy of windows and drivers.
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  • James J
    James J Member ✭✭✭✭
    jacklevis said:
    If there is a process to get budgets back, I am not aware of it.

    I have been reentering my lost budgets today - AGAIN.

    As far as I can tell, Quicken does not even have this on the Alerts, Online Banking & Known Product Issues list.  They had NO recommendation for me on how to keep it from happening.


    It seems that my choices become to try and find a backup that still had the budget and rework all my transactions since then or reenter the budget. 

    Either way there is rework. 

    but at least Quicken is sorry for my inconvenience.

    This is almost enough to make consider moving to a different program. If major portions of the software can simply disappear with no warning and no support, it’s not reliable. What’s next, some of accounts will simply disappear?

    what is the issue with the budgets, is the budget data literally no longer part of my file or is it there and the current version of Quicken is not reading it?

  • James J
    James J Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    [Removed - Rant/Speculation/Inaccurate]
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