Budget Disappeared.
Would appreciate some Super Users weighing in on this matterQuicken User Since - 19910
An earlier post said product development was aware of it. It looks to me to be a difficult bug to fix in that some have it and others don't. For example I use budgets and so far have not been affected (keeping my fingers crossed).
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro
1 -
Thanks for your perspective Bob. Other than acknowledging the problem, [Removed-Disruptive]!Quicken User Since - 19910
Hopefully the software engineers are keeping an eye on this thread. I haven’t heard back after initial interaction and sending details of my experiences but have suggested they keep a eye on comments here.
At some point recently I ran budget report before checking planning tab and it wouldn’t run and complained about no budget then found budget gone so my experience a little different.
I updated to new Quicken release that came out yesterday and also did a Windows 10 update that came out yesterday (apparently fixing a nasty zero day exploit). I’ve also scanned my computer with multiple virus/malware tools just to rule that out.
0 -
Ive contacted Quicken support twice on this issue. They say it is a high priority for them. I've used this software since '93. Super surprised they haven't fixed this yet.0
Thanks for your efforts tde! Unfortunately, when I discuss with their front line reps, they don't seem aware of the issue. Would be nice if Quicken would issue some sort of acknowledgment and solution status.Quicken User Since - 19911
First, acknowledging that this post will likely cause a budget loss for me!!!
But; I have been active daily in Quicken Premier for Windows for about a week now without a budget loss. I am still backing up every few steps and checking Planning/Budget to see if budget is there. Here are some changes in my system since my last budget loss roughly in order:
1) I turned off all Acronis virus/malware protection so that there isn't any conflict between Norton 360 and Acronis. Norton is the sole product handling all protection now.
2) Due to some Windows log cautions and errors on my Windows indexing stuff I went into Windows Settings/Indexing/Advanced and deleted my index and told system to start reindexing everything. I also trimmed back some of the indexing locations so only indexing c: drive, Outlook and excluding swapfiles and the like.
3) Updated to the latest release of Quicken released a few days ago.
4) Updated to the latest release of Windows 10 on Tuesday
5) Did a deep virus/malware scan with microsoft tools and Norton - nothing found.
I don't know if any of the above made any difference in budget issue but just relaying my experience recently.0 -
Still very frustrated and baffled:
This AM: went to my Quicken tab on my Windows PC taskbar. Quicken was already open, since opening and closing it in the past seemed to cause the budgets to disappear. Unlike previous mornings this week, I was asked this AM to log into Quicken. While connected to my wifi, I put in my username and password. Quicken opened and I was immediately notified that the file had no budget - the usual popup. Closed and re-opened Quicken and invited again to create a new budget... Then:
1. I tried an immediate "Restore" from yesterday. That restore file was named with the date, time, and "with budget" because all of my very frequent backups are now done after opening the Planning tab and visualizing the budget. I can then confirm to all parties that the budget was present and visible when that file was backed up. The "Restore" was successful except:
a. No visible budget was recovered
b. There was an immediate backup sequence visualized where accounts were backed up to the
Quicken Cloud - as noticed several times before when budgets are lost.
c. I went to the "Preferences" tab and confirmed that cloud backup was "Off", my preference
2. Because it seemed to work before, I turned off my internet connection and tried another restore of the same file "with budget" with the internet disconnected. Successful restore upon logging in again, but still not visible budget with the usual popup.
3. Reconnected to the internet.
4. Tried a 3rd "Restore" of exactly the same file, "with budget". Again, "Restore" successful, another cloud backup sequence visualized (even though cloud backup "Off" in Preferences... BUT
5. This time, budgets reappeared = 3rd restore, same file every time.
Very Quirky, very frustrating, baffled. Hoping for Quicken expertise to resolve soon.1 -
Still on Quicken Premier subscription R36.57 running locally on desktop Windows 10 Home Ver. 21H2. Have been manually inputting transactions and importing QFX files.
When importing the QFX files I remain on the Planning tab to monitor the current Budget. If the "Activate One Step Update" setup popup occurs during the import, I select the No option button and then click the Close button to exit the popup window instead of just selecting the Cancel button to exit. I've also done the One Step Update function (while remaining on the Planning tab) and that, so far, has not caused any Budget loss as yet. Also any of my Complete Backups are done while remaining on the Planning tab.
I think that I might try updating to the latest Quicken Premier version to see if my experiment with Budget retention continues.0 -
Same experience here mobleyw. Sometimes it take multiple restores of same file that you know you had the budget.Currently running budget reports successfully, but don’t dare to open budget tab unless absolutely necessary to make modifications as this when I notice budget disappears. This is consistent with the theory that the budget is actually there, but just not retrievable.The good news for us, yet bad news for those new to the issue, is that this budget disappearing problem is becoming more widespread, [Removed- Speculation]. I’m ready to help and be a test subject. Call me Quicken.Quicken User Since - 19911
Now on Quicken Premier R42.8 running locally on desktop.
When updating to R42.8, Quicken changed my Preferences from Mobile & Web: Sync:OFF to Sync:ON. I changed it back to Sync:OFF. Budgets are intact so far. I'll see how this goes.0 -
So strange that some (me at least) are able to restore from a valid budget file no problem, first time yet others have to try multiple times.
Would urge everyone to:
1) update to latest Quicken release just in case they fixed something and didn’t tell us.
2) thoroughly check your antivirus software configuration, make sure you only have one good AV/malware system running and that it is up to date. (Yes, grasping at straws here).
3) update to latest Windows release which is good to do anyways.
4) possibly check your Windows logs (system and application) to see if anything strange going on - other than the usual indecipherable cautions and errors!
5) make sure you are trying restores and even backups from/to a folder that has zero cloud involvement (e.g. not a OneDrive or Dropbox folder). This is for those having trouble restoring a good budget file.0 -
Add me to this list....my budget has disappeared. I have neither the time nor the interest in getting into the weeds from a technical standpoint on this...I just want it fixed, and don't want to take the time to re-create the budget until I know I won't lose it again. I agree with comments that we are not getting what we are paying for, and that focus on "new" things should be a lower priority than making the existing work as promised. [Removed- Third Party Question].0
[Removed-Third Party Mention]Quicken User Since - 19910
Of course, after posting how well things are going lost budget a few minutes ago. Did a fair amount of work, one step update, correcting categories, fixing some transactions in an investment account, checked budget as I went along, used CTRL+B to make frequent backups. Then poof budget done. Was able to quickly restore from a backup six minutes prior to the loss and budget back. I checked all my Windows log files and didn't see anything likely to have been involved.0
I went back and noticed that I first posted this budget issue in March 2020. It’s been over 2 years and Quicken hasn’t found the time to address this growing problem! Wonder how many are plagued with this problem. [Removed-Speculation].Quicken User Since - 19910
Not sure griping every few posts about Quicken’s responsiveness is moving the ball any further down the field. Engineers are looking at the issue. Seems a very tough bug, possibly influenced by something outside Quicken - or not.-1
Since Quicken does not share any status on the problem that I just realized has been going for over two years, they leave me with no choice but to express my frustration. I have offered multiple times to work with them, and have shared my insights as to what may be causing the problem to no avail.
How long have you been dealing with budget loss? Weeks or years?Quicken User Since - 19910 -
Thanks for sharing YT. Apparently there are some longer and shorter term sufferers of this problem. As I posted earlier:
“The good news for us, yet bad news for those new to the issue, is that this budget disappearing problem is becoming more widespread, [Removed-Specualtion]”.
Quicken User Since - 19911 -
Budgets gone again. No development work yet?0
Well it appears someone at Quicken is monitoring the comments on this thread as they are removing comments they don’t want to hear. No denying they are aware of the problem. How about an update on a solution.Quicken User Since - 19910
Thought I’d share my post from 19 March from another thread suggesting possible causes/triggers of budget loss:
I have started several discussions on this problem and try to follow as many as I can to keep up with the status of a fix. From what I can see, there are several common factors associated with budgets disappearing:- Cloud sync: While this concept could have been great, it seems to cause much more harm than good. Not only do disappearing budgets occur, but it also seems to create account sync errors including CC-800 (the worst) and CC-501.
- Modifying Categories
- Performing Investment Analysis: Aggregating investments by security from by accounts or performing a MorningStar X-Ray are reliable ways to induce loss of budget
- All of the above potentially involve some memory intensive tasks for Quicken to perform, which I believe can disassociate the file from the budget
- Length of Quicken Usage: I see a lot of people indicate that they have been with Quicken 15-30 years. Me too (since 1992). Could mean that our files contain legacy code baggage?
- After performing every type of validation available, I have been instructed by so called quicken experts to perform a File Copy as a way to ensure that it is not a corrupted file. I did and had to reconnect all of my accounts again. What a pain. I have done this several times. Still get the error. At least my file is not corrupt
- I have reduced the number of Express Web Connect Accounts to try to reduce budget loss and the CC-800 errors. This works pretty well, especially against the CC-800 errors, but I still get budget loss 1-2 weeks apart.
- My last and obvious suggestion is to make frequent back ups throughout your quicken sessions after you first ensure that the budget has endured a memory intensive task. I alternate between using the date extension and not so as to have alternate back up to the most recent back up because sometimes, even though I restored from a back up that had the budget data present, I have found the budget data was not there with the restore. Here is another trick, if that happens, before you revert to restore from another back up, try to restore your most recent back up again. It might just take a second time.
- Of course this entire situation with budget loss is PATHETIC! I agree with someone above where Quicken owes its users (some of whom have supported quicken for decades) an action plan and commitment to solve this critical software flaw ASAP.
- I used get very angry and frustrated, now I just want to do whatever I can to help Quicken fix this once and for all! Give me a call Quicken. Once you prioritize I believe this can be resolved quite quickly.
Quicken User Since - 19910 -
Dear Quicken Anja and Jared and others,
Are you considering posting some sort of status/actions being taken to address the budget disappearing flaw. Would be nice to know if you have formed a solution task force including software developers and some of us who would be glad to help. It would offer some encouragement to those of us enduring this problem while we wait for Quicken to solve.
ThanksQuicken User Since - 19910 -
Thank you and well said, CMRater. I had planned to convey the same message this AM to the Quicken experts in hope of progress.0
Spent hours with Quicken help today and Fri trying to figure out where has all my budgets gone. I relate to occurring after running routine Quicken program updates. Sometimes I lose my online update passwords, sometimes my budget disappears and Quicken prompts me to create one. Going back to a backup will restore the budget or passwords, but Quicken will not restore from some of my backup files even though it was crated from the "file" program. I store backups on an internal hard disc with my data file, on an external hard drive (Seagate using the tools automatic backup for financial files and a manually created back up), and Backblaze cloud backup. I have not been able to restore the most recent backups from any of these sources even though I created backup files specifically before doing the last program update. I had to go back amonth before I could restore which means manually reconciling all the lost entries, a pain as it involves cross checking multiple brokerage transactions from several companies. Support has suggested not separating program exe file from data file ( program on C SSD, data on D a standard HD, both internal to the tower)) which we did today, so I don't know if that works but the problem had not occurred with this arrangement for 18 mos until recently. Also suggests that Quicken advises not using data files more than 50 MB. Inspite of archiving older data, my current file is 289 MB as I have been using Quicken for at least 15 years. Think I am legally required to keep most financial data at least 7 years, so the program should store that amount easily. I will probably not be installing any updates until Quicken says they have investigated and solved this problem. you would think given that there are multiple complaints to something so central to a financial program they would be working vigorously on it. Apparently not.0
Thanks ppstoebel for struggling with Quicken help to help resolve the losing budgets issue. Last time I called them, the rep indicated that this is not widely appreciated/common problem. Having been dealing with the issue for over 2 years, I can see the number of users encountering the problem is growing very fast (which hopefully help to gain their attention). I suppose as we have occasion to call in, we should always mention this. As for 50 MB limits, I had not heard that. Doubt that would hold 5 years of data. Their file specs claim the file can be as large as your drive can hold last i looked. If they have true limit to file size, they should have prompts and tools to help reduce the file size. I tried reducing my data history to 10 years and think the resultant file size was 160 MB. I need a robust full featured financial software capability, which is what I thought Quicken was and what they claim to be. I bring a powerful 32 Gig memory PC to exceed most software demands and I am quite sure it supersedes all Quicken required specs by a wide margin. If anything, they should cater to us longer-term loyal users by ensuring that their product can meet our long-term needs. I won't go into the tricks you have to employ to accommodate IRA withdrawals. Somewhat contrived, but at least it works.Quicken User Since - 19911
I have noted some similarities and differences in my experience from CMRater's observations below - i tried to post as direct quote comments but something about this Community system won't take it:
I turned all Quicken Cloud Syncing off at least a year ago. Although, I am still getting a weird blip of Quicken cloud sync apparent activity when I do a restore as is at least one other person posting here.
Modifying Categories ***** If you mean modifying category titles, types, etc. I haven't been doing any of that recently. If you mean changing categories within an account transaction have been doing that but it isn't consistently leading to budget loss (that I can tell).
Performing Investment Analysis: Aggregating investments by security from by accounts or performing a MorningStar X-Ray are reliable ways to induce loss of budget **** Not for me: just did every portfolio view I could manage, did portfolio x-ray, ran a bunch of investment reports - budget still good
All of the above potentially involve some memory intensive tasks for Quicken to perform, which I believe can disassociate the file from the budget
Count me as a longtime user, 318 MB of data, some goes as far back as Managing Your Money->Microsoft Money->Quicken (since about 2011)
At this point I think I only have one Express Web credit card account the rest are Direct Connect.
Since backup now has the option to add time to the backup I just leave that on and use CTRL+B to make a backup, takes maybe 20 seconds on my SSD-based machine. I fortunately have plenty of space on my drive. I do go back and weed out backups once a week. I'm backing up as frequently as every ten minutes but that's to trap a before and after backup if there is a budget loss. I do find it interesting that I'm able to restore from the backup just prior to the budget loss no problem, every time and first time whereas others are having issues. Not sure if it matters but my backup directory lives directly below the Quicken data directory. It has NO cloud involvement at all other than my Acronis cloud backup grabs it on the nightly backup to the Cloud.
Quicken working on it, seem to have acknowledged it in a prior post in this thread. I had this error a year or so ago and just gave up worrying about it or rebuilding my budget because of other priorities at the time. Now I've focused much more on it, including backups and documenting my steps but still don't see a lot of rhyme or reason to when it happens.
Now that I'm obsessively backing up and able to restore easily I've moved beyond wanting to throw things at my computer and swearing up a stormI'd encourage everyone running into this issue to, as much as practical, document the exact steps you go through when using Quicken and losing budgets. Maybe try to modify your backup strategy to add time to backup and use CTRL+B to make very frequent backups in a non-cloud involved folder to see if that makes restores more reliable.
I am concerned that perhaps it's something outside the software interacting with the software in unique circumstances or something so squirrely it will be hard to figure out. Anyways, hoping they figure it out and get it fixed soon.1 -
Woke up this AM to see that my Budgets disappeared. I have not gone down the route of any in-depth troubleshooting or restoring from an older file yet, but just seemed strange so I found this thread. I'll take a look at all the great comments, but as a general comment for my case, I've been trying to get my Mobile working properly with Cloud Synch and it just isn't. Now I have no Budget. Will report back after I try a back-up file.
I have Version R42.8 Build 271.42.8 Windows 10 Home2 -
Good news (I hope) everyone. Just noticed that the 3rd highest “Most Active Discussions” in the July community letter is “BUDGET DISAPPEARED”!Looks like this issue is garnering the attention it deserves. I encourage everyone affected by this problem to continue to post here to help keep pressure and focus on solving this issue.Quicken User Since - 19912
This discussion has been closed.