Does QMac work with OS 13 Ventura (release candidate) ?

GAV_md Member
Certainly someone is running MAC OS Ventura release candidate with Quicken for Mac. Can we get an update as to the compatibility?


  • LarryNolan
    LarryNolan Member ✭✭✭
    Ditto from me. Using Quicken Mac on M1 iMac macOS 12 now.
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited October 2022
    I'm about to install it on one of my Macs, I'll report back later today. That said, I haven't heard much complaining about Ventura other than the redesigned System Preferences, so I'm optimistic that Quicken will work fine.

    Edit: Just a heads up, Apple pushed out two updates today - Ventura, and an update to Monterey. The Monterey update gets installed first but it's pretty large and takes a while to install so I thought it was installing Ventura. I was really confused when at the end if it my Mac booted back into Monterey. I'm now downloading a second even larger update, I assume this one really is Ventura. 
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Got Ventura installed on my Mac Studio. Accounts look OK, syncing runs as expected, the monthly category spending report amounts seem to be correct. No problems noted so far.
  • louabill
    louabill Member ✭✭
    What version of Quicken are you updated to?
  • LarryNolan
    LarryNolan Member ✭✭✭
    I updated to macOS 12.6.1 and am running Quicken Deluxe 6.10.1. No problems. Waiting before installing 13.0.
  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    louabill said:
    What version of Quicken are you updated to?
    The current version (6.10.1).
  • thanks Jon - good to hear..
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