Quicken should assign a product manager to review product ideas in this forum and interact

kionysus Member ✭✭
Quicken should assign a product manager to review product ideas in this forum and interact with its customers. It appears this area of the community is more community driven which is a shame.
3 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated

Ideas are already monitored, tracked, and updated by Community admin and moderators. Specific protocols are also already in place to forward Ideas to Product Development based on vote count.


  • Bob.
    Bob. Member ✭✭✭✭

    I don't think enough people read these topics that vote count should matter. A great idea is a great idea whether 1 or 1,000 click a small box in a post.

  • kionysus
    kionysus Member ✭✭
    I agree with Bob.
  • kionysus
    kionysus Member ✭✭
    Additionally, there is something to be said about interacting with someone I'm paying via my subscription than someone here on their own accord volunteering their time. I want more involvement directly from Quicken.