Tax Planner 2023... Other Income - Taxable IRA Distributions- only allows 2022 data


The Other Income field for Taxable IRA/Retirement Distributions only shows option to use "Quicken Data (from 2022)"

Other fields like Salary, Social Security, Withholding, etc do have "Quicken Data (from 2023)" enabled.

I've tried "Reset" a couple of times. Any other suggestions?


  • rustyb73
    rustyb73 Member ✭✭

    Fixed…. Edit the tax Schedule field on the IRA account (change it and then change it back) "1099-R:Total IRA Taxable distrib"

    NOTE: Also discovered in reveiwing summary that you may need to change off "Scheduled…" and back to get Tax Planner to correctly use the "Scheduled…" amounts

  • markus1957
    markus1957 SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    There has to be an actual 2023 register entry or a 2023 scheduled reminder with a tax line associated with that input field in the Tax Planner. Until the planner has data to work with it will provide an estimate based on 2022 actuals.

    If you think you have a 2023 transaction that should display, check the tax line on the transaction to make sure it matches one of the tax lines associated with the planner input box.

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