Problems downloading from Citibank

This discussion was created from comments split from: problems downloading from Citibank.


  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    It's been 9 months since I first had a problem downloading from CITI to Quicken and was promised early on that it was Quicken's problem. After getting shuffled back and forth between Citi and Quicken, I realized that the downloading problem was on Citi's end. I have tried all the fixes they suggested only to have more problems. Finally, in lJanuary this year I made the dumb move to get a new Citi card thinking maybe starting fresh I could resolve the down loading issues. Well, two months in and I had balancing problems and this last month only half my trasactions downloaded so I had to manually enter the remaining transactions. I've experienced all the problems that have been posted about downloading Citi transactions into Quicken so I woh't repeat them here.

    I've been with Quicken forever and had been happy with Citi for last the 5 years after switching from Chase so I could get a Costco Citi card. I don't have the time nor technical knowledge to navigate through all the suggested fixes. But I don't want to stop keeping track of our personal finances. The greatest frustration is contanting the customer service number(s) at Citi. What a joke it is to call the "customer service" people. There has to be a way to solve this issue. How?

  • Member ✭✭
    I have been a Citibank customer for around 20 years, and it has only been in recent years that these problems started. I experience a lot of difficulty with the downloads to Quicken, as well as many other problems on the Citi website unrelated to Quicken. I recently opened an account at Chase, and if all goes well, I will make the transition away from Citi.
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