American Express Savings Account

Bill Chip Smith
Bill Chip Smith Member ✭✭

I am on longer able to download transactions from American Express for my savings account. When I opened the account a few months back Quicken was able to find the account. Now it only downloads my Am EX card transactions. Any suggestions?


  • rangersix
    rangersix Member ✭✭

    Mine is not working also…..

  • zot100
    zot100 Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Same Issue for the last few days. Previously it appeared to be connecting but did not download transactions.

    Attempted to reset and now it will not reconnect for the Savings Account. The credit Card reset worked fine.

    Note: This is the Same issue exactly as I have been experiencing with my Discover Savings Account.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It's my understanding that you need to use American Express Bank FSB as the financial institution for your AmEx Savings Accounts.

  • zot100
    zot100 Member ✭✭✭

    I have used all of the options to attempt to reauthorize my American Express Savings Account, Same with My Discover Bank Savings Account. I think this is more related to restoring a data file and internally within Quicken, there is a Switch or Cookie that doesn't get reset. So as a result the reauthorization fails because it is tripping on some portion of the Prior Authorization. My issue started after restoring from a current backup file for reasons related to something I did that was unrelated to either of these accounts.

  • zot100
    zot100 Member ✭✭✭

    Ongoing Issue. Requests Verification Method, Sends Verification Code, Verification Entered, then Errors out to this screenshot.

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