Moving Fidelity Cash Management transactions between accounts (edit)

Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I'm on Qu Win subscription, and support person couldn't answer this. ;-(

The support person had me disconnect a Fidelity cash mgmt account, reconnect; and in the process it lost years worth of data. It had been setup as a dual or linked ac (cash in Banking and investments in Investing) - now it is only an Investment a/c.

I want to move all the prior years' data from a backup file into the current file - from that prior bank a/c register to the current investment a/c register.
How can I do that?

My understanding so far is:
- QuWin won't import data into investment ac from a csv or tab-delim file
- Fidelity only has 24 mos of online data; not years; and no way to get it
- I would pull my hair out and commit hara kiri if I had to put them all in manually
Surely there's a way to go from bank a/c to csv/tab file then into investment a/c … isn't that too basic a tool to omit from a 20+ year program?



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  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    How long ago did this happen? And do you have a backup file from just before it happened that you can restore?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Yes, I have backup file to restore. This new connection of the Fidelity account happened yesterday.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You should be able to restore that backup file and it should show all of missing data. That would be the simplest, easiest and most reliable means for recovering the missing data. If you do restore that backup file, be sure to give it a unique name during the restoration process so it does not overwrite your current file.

    Also, what was the reason why you contacted Quicken Support? Was there some issue you were experiencing? Or was there something you were attempting to change?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please note: If a brokerage account (does not work for retirement accounts) is configured with a linked Cash/Checking account then all banking-related transactions will appear in that separate account register. All investment-related transactions remain in the investment account register. Investment transactions which impact the account's cash balance will also appear as linked transactions in the linked Cash account register.

    If your investment account is named, e.g., "Fidelity CMA", then the linked Cash/Checking account will be named "Fidelity CMA (Cash)". Look for it in the Account Sidebar in the Banking section together with all your other checking accounts.

    The mechanism which controls the existence of a linked Cash/Checking account register can be found in the investment register's Edit Account Details section, General tab. See "Show cash in a checking account".

    If you currently have such a linked account, it should contain all your banking transactions. Take a look.
    If you plan on frequently using your Fidelity account as if it were a regular banking account, with many checks, reminders, debit card transactions, etc., I recommend you keep using the linked account.

    If you want to get rid of the linked account and maintain everything together in one investment account register, you can change the "Show cash in a checking account" radio button to "No" and Quicken will move all banking transactions back into the investment register. Be sure to backup your Quicken data file BEFORE you make that change!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thank you both for your replies … very helpful. It expands on what I understood.

    So if I:
    1. restore the backup to a temp filename - it has the two linked accounts.
    2. change my main file to have 2 linked accounts (show cash in checking)
    then 3. - how do I move the old checking transactions from the backup file to the current main file?

  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The backup of your data file was created yesterday. I assume it has all the transactions you need, in all the proper locations. And everything (deactivate/reactivate, etc.) was done AFTER the backup was created.

    If you restore the backup to a different file name you should be back at a status where none of the damage has happened yet.
    So, using this file from now on, you can resume where you were. No damage. No lost data except maybe a few transactions you may have entered after the backup was taken.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    This new connection of the Fidelity account happened yesterday.

    can you explain what all has happened with your Fidelity account -

    AND - is this a Fidelity Cash Management account as you mentioned
    kinda looks like a cash account -

    What is the difference between Fidelity cash management and brokerage account?
    Brokerage accounts are used to buy and sell securities.
    Cash management accounts act more like traditional bank savings and checking accounts,
    but are provided by brokerage and other non-bank financial institutions.
    Sometimes the accounts may be linked.
    But the accounts earn money from different sources.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Yes, Fidelity CMA … I understand the difference; and QuWin treats CMA like a brokerage.
    I have elected the cash a/c option, so have both linked accounts.

    I've done quite a bit of disconnect/reconnect, reconciliation, etc. - would rather not try to figure out what to do with the backup.
    Much prefer to copy the old entries from a) the known backup Fidelity CMA bank account that has the history to b) the current account that also has the linked accounts.
    Surely there is a way to move entries (data) from a bank a/c in one QuWin file to another?! Using a Quicken transfer method, or export to CSV and import … or somehow?
    Please explain.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    This Qu support message seems to move only 1 transaction at a time to another data file: move-transactions-between-quicken-accounts#section-1

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Repeat … how can I move transactions from bank a/c in backup file, to another bank a/c in a new quicken file?
    Just the transactions - like export-import.

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