Fidelity Rewards VISA (summer 2023)
Have you tried reconnecting your account? Almost all people posting over the last 4 days (in a number of different threads) are saying that the issue no longer exists for them.
If you are still not able to download, please reply with what you are doing to try reconnecting and what error (message, code, etc.) you are seeing.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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At the beginning of October, after not working at all for about two weeks, the Elan Financial Services link I had set up — which did work before that — started working again with a new 2-factor authentication check. It has worked fine since then, no problems. (I no longer use the Fidelity Rewards link that Quicken provides/provided, because that started stalling early this summer, and I haven't checked it since, since I was accessing my transactions via Elan Financial Services, which worked (aside from the several weeks of not working), and which now works again.
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Elan downloads were working for me until today after the 2-factor authentication fixed the previous issue. Now I get Error CC-505. I tried resetting the account but still get the same error.
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I spoke too soon… Elan Financial Services was down again this morning (and did not try 2-factor authentication, so this seems to be a one-time process). I just tried it again, and it seems to have connected.
So the verdict is still: uneven.
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It is being reported in a QWin thread that downloads are working, again. I was able to verify that a few minutes ago.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Let's hope it stabilizes soon instead of wavering between working and not working ;-)
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I signed up for the card about a week ago and was able to get in by creating an account with the Elan Financial services login ( Credit Card Account Access: Log In ( and then adding the account with them to Quicken. Heads up, creating an account is a bit involved and you'll need to authenticate every time you want to download transactions into Quicken. Saved credentials are not enough.
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Thanks! Establishing an online account directly with Elan was how I got it to work in August… but lately it's failing again, apparently owing to issues at Elan (per Quicken message that went out yesterday).
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Have you tried disconnecting and then reconnecting to Elan? (In QWin it is referred to as deactivate/reactivate.) Many have said that restores downloading, again.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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…you'll need to authticate every time you want to download transactions into Quicken.
You are the 1st person that that has said this. Every other post on this that I've seen (and from my experience) has said that 2FA was required only for the initial download setup process. You have tried downloading on multiple occasions and are always getting a 2FA prompt?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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So like everyone else the problem eventually resolved, then returned, then resolved again. However now I can't even attempt to download because Elan has temporarily shut down my account until they send me a new card. On Saturday someone repeatedly tried to charge some door dash purchases to my account but fortunately Elan would not authorize them. What's really strange is that I never carry the card. He lives on my desk and I only use it for large transactions like insurance premiums, my phone bill, etc. In fact I just returned from a vacation and I have not made any transactions on that card in weeks. Just wondering if anyone else on this thread has had bogus charges made on tha card recently.
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Along with everyone else here, I got the problem come and go and return multiple times. But I can no longer download for the simple reason that he land has closed my account temporarily while I wait for them to send me new cards. On Saturday someone tried to make purchases to doordash using my account but fortunately Elan would not authorize them. The weird thing is I never carry this card but keep it on my desk just to use for large purchases like insurance premiums my phone bill etc. In fact, I just returned home from a long vacation and haven't made any charges to that card in weeks. Just wondering if anyone else here has had a list of charges made on their card recently.
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Not on this card, no. But that's happened to me once or twice with other cards.
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If you are implying that perhaps this Elan connection issue might be related to your credit card fraud issue I think it's pretty safe to say it is not. If the two were related I think we'd be seeing a lot of posts by others experiencing the same issue.
There are so many different ways that our credit cards can get compromised. Have you ever handed your card to someone for them to scan in a transaction…perhaps at a restuarant? Have you ever verbally read the card number over the phone or in person to someone else…they could have written it down or maybe someone overheard you? Have you ever entered your card number into a website when making a purchase and maybe that business' server got hacked or maybe the URL was not the secure https or maybe your computer or smart phone had key logging malware? Have you ever carried that card out in public and passed within 1-2 feet of other people…..they could have been holding a card reader and scanned the card through your clothes or even your wallet? The fact of the matter is that we almost never will find out how the credit card got compromised. The event most likely occurred weeks or even months ago. Don't lose any sleep over it.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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I thought someone else had mentioned it in a previous post. Like I write, this card lives on my desk. I don't carry it and I only use it for a few charges like my auto insurance and my AT&T phone-broadcast
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… phone-broadband bills. I didn't think it was related. Since there are so many Fidelity Rewards cardholders here, I was curious if anyone else has run into this problem with their card. On a separate note, I have had issues posting here on my phone and tablet. Either my post gets cut short, like above, or it won't post at all.
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@shtevie Yes, I've had 2 most frequently used cards stolen in the past few weeks. I suspect both were probably scanned wirelessly as mentioned somewhere out in public.
It could be seen as a bit odd that your card sits at the house and therefore couldn't be stolen in the ways already mentioned. But, it's my understanding there are also pattern discovery methods that can also figure out your card number. The good news is that Elan caught it.
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10/30/23 -
I was just now able to create an account at Elan Fin. Serv. (via the "myaccountaccess" or similar link earlier in this thread) attached to my Fidelity Rewards card, follow the account setup steps (they require various authentication and security measures first), then immediately create the account in quicken and connect it via the Elan link with the credentials created for the Elan site, not my Fidelity login.
Finally. Something works!0