Product software - race condition?

Has anyone else noticed Quicken complaining that it 'can't open the data file' more frequently of late? I've seen it in the past but very infrequently so I ignored. But I noticed the last two times Quicken has started up it complains that it can't open the data file.
Time one: I had just installed the upgrade and requested the product be opened via the link when the install concluded. Time two: I clicked on Excel startup and then Quicken startup, on top of each other almost as if it was a double click.
I'm wondering if the software is in a race condition, is competing for system resources, or has some other fault condition that prevents it from opening the data file.
Respond if anyone wants additional 411 about my system. BTW, there should be a tag for Product or Software Operation - something like that
See this:
Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 100 -
BTW, there should be a tag for Product or Software Operation - something like that
Instead of posting this in the Water Cooler category — which is intended for random things not directly Quicken-related, I'd suggest posting this in the Quicken Classic for Windows > Errors and Troubleshooting (Windows) category. It's likely to be seen by more users there.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930