Report Customization Window Improvements

justmakeitwork Member, Windows Beta, Canada Beta Beta
edited October 2023 in Display/UI
First, I wanted to say that the reporting has made some great improvements which were long overdue. Here are some small changes that would make the user experience so much easier.


1) Window Size - increase the size of the report customization Window. It is insanely small and most of my account and category names are cut off. There is so much space available in the Window to make the list box larger.

2) Show Selected - Have a toggle so I can see all the selected checkboxes instead of having to scroll through all my categories or accounts looking for boxes that were added. This is especially painful right now due to the small window size.


3) Select by Type - On my reports with transfers I want to select all the Account Type Transfers (e.g. BANK, CREDIT, etc) but none of the income/expenses. Having the ability to filter or select by type would be very helpful.

4) Show New Categories - For all sub-categories the full category path should be showed so that you know what higher level category something is under. For my rental properties I have the same category names, e.g. repairs. When a new property is added I only see the word repairs and I have no idea which higher level category.

5) Excel Export Filename - When exporting to a file the filename should default to the name of the report. Right now it is blank and a user ha to retype the report name.

6) Save Report Folder - When you save a report the "Save In" drop down should default to the current folder of the report. Every change that is made to a report is having to reselect and folder.
7 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • Zomar
    Zomar Member ✭✭

    Thank your for all improvements!… here are a few more….

    I agree! Not being able to resize the report window is very constraining/frustrating. A lot of time is used scrolling up and down the tiny visible window to see what category is checked and what is not.


    RE: #4. my workaround: When I have two same subcategories with a different parent, I make all categories in one of the parents lower case. I can see right away what is the parent category. If I have 3 or more similar subcategories, this this workaround is rendered useless.

    » please maintain name of parent category.


    ALSO: In Report Customization Window Didn't there used to be a box to select All income, and All expenses? So from there we could deselect the income or expense we did not need to see.

    » Please return that feature to 'select all income' and/or 'select all expense'.


  • justmakeitwork
    justmakeitwork Member, Windows Beta, Canada Beta Beta

    BUMP BUMP. I spend hours scrolling in the miniature report boxes and renaming Excel Export files. Any updates on whether these might make the feature request Agile list?

    RE#4 : I like the workaround idea, however I have 6 rental properties. I know one way is to only have one set of Rental Expense categories and then use tags to distinguish between properties or between companies however I have found that way is prone to a lot of human errors and any auto completion or integration with ImportQIF doesn't support the tag assignment.