Paychecks Stay in Bill and Income Reminders

My paychecks will show up in "Bill and Income Reminders" and stay there. I can enter a paycheck to the register, from the reminder section, but I need to go back and "Skip" the reminders to get them to go away. This is the case for 2 separate paychecks that were originally set up in the Paycheck Wizard many moons ago.

I'm on Windows running Quicken Classic Deluxe. I can't remember for certain but I think this started within the last year. It hasn't bothered me much as I see it an annoyance more than anything else. Since this appears to be specific to paychecks, it seems like an error state that could be addressed.


  • Jan59
    Jan59 Member ✭✭

    This is happening to me too. It is annoying. I called Quicken tech support but they were no help at all, could not understand the problem.

  • rsrobert2000
    rsrobert2000 Member ✭✭

    Having the same issue. No matter how many times I try to enter or even skip, they keep coming back. I finally deleted both paycheck entries and will start over. We'll see how it goes.

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Are the reminders used by these paychecks named exactly the same or they use slightly different names?
    I once had more than 1 reminder using the exact same payee name and I always got confused which is which …

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