Unreliable Downloads

wilsonbh Member ✭✭

I know others have had issues with Quicken's failure to download transactions reliably and I'm wondering if anyone has gotten feedback from Quicken as to why this is happening? I'm starting to investigate alternatives to using Quicken now because of this. Without a reliable download, I might as well do all the entries manually. The primary reason I maintain a Quicken account is because of this download feature. But if I can't rely on it being accurate, why continue my subscription. Spreadsheets work just as well for manual entries.


  • Mark1104
    Mark1104 Member ✭✭✭✭

    what financial institutions are you downloading from? are you sure the reliability issue is Quicken's or the financial institution itself? can you be more specific on what 'reliability' means in this case? what is not accurate? more detail could help the Community with your issue.

  • wilsonbh
    wilsonbh Member ✭✭

    I have trouble with Bank of America downloads. I can no longer trust the downloading. I have to go into the bank and verify cleared transactions manually now. I can see a transaction cleared in the bank register but even so, it won't download or register cleared in my Quicken register. Both Checking and Savings have failed to download transactions. So many are missed that I've lost confidence in Quicken and may not renew my subscription when it comes due.

  • Mark1104
    Mark1104 Member ✭✭✭✭

    WilsonBH - I also bank at BofA and do not have ANY issues with their downloads; works like clockwork each and every day. And has been that way for essentially 25 years.

    Suggestion: set up a new / dummy file and download the transactions. Does it work? if that works, it is your file and not Quicken or BofA.

    Given the size of BofA, if their downloads were not working, then these boards would be quite filled with that observation. They are the largest retail bank in the country.

    More likely, the issue is on your end - the file, the software load, the connection to the internet. I'd start with analyzing your Qdata file.

    please post what you find…..

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