Memorizing transactions > Memo field

acs2 Member ✭✭✭

I'd like to see more options in Memorizing Transactions. The specific idea is to allow transactions to be memorized without the memo field by setting up options within the Memorization routine.

I have recurring transactions for a vendor which have the same category but different or no memo. I'd prefer to memorize all transactions without the memo field.

Has this idea or others to improve memorization been considered?


  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    For each account, there's a relatively new option in Edit Account Details / Online Services tab which you can try:
    "Don't update memo when downloading".
    This option applies to all downloaded transactions.

    A more specific method of controlling contents of the Memo field by Payee Name is by making use of Memorized Payee List (MPL) entries or Scheduled Reminders.
    If I don't want to have the Downloaded Memo text appear in the transaction's Memo field but generally want to keep it blank, I put a period (".") or some meaningful text into the MPL entry's or Scheduled Reminder's Memo field.
    Quicken will not store the downloaded Memo text into the transaction if there already is some text in the Memo field.
    IMHO, a "." in the Memo field is better than the (often mysterious) text downloaded by the bank.

  • acs2
    acs2 Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for your ideas. I looked for Edit Account Details/Online services but I could not find it. Where do I lokk?

  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Look in the individual account register and click the Actions gear icon. There you can find Edit Account Details.
    You can also find it by right-clicking on an account name in the Account Sidebar.

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