Citibank credit card transactions missing - ongoing issue

rgeyer86 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

When I download transactions for my 3 Citi credit cards, I'm consistently missing transactions. I update transactions at least once per month. It doesn't start from the last download date and seems to select some other random date later in the month in many cases missing most of the transactions, sometimes all the transactions are skipped from my last download. If they're missed, there's no way to get them without manually entering them. I've tried everything.

EDIT: I found a [Removed - Language] work-around that avoids manually entering the transactions. See my comment below.

Today (Aug 31), I attempted to update transactions. The last time I updated (downloaded) was on July 31st. It started downloaded transactions from Aug 28th (3 days ago). It missed almost the entire month of August. 212 transactions are missing. It's almost like it's using the date I last logged into Quicken or the Citi site to begin the transaction downloads from.

Not only will it miss transactions, it will sometimes adjust the beginning balance completely throwing off the ending balance. Another huge time sink to fix. I've reset the account and deactivated/reactivated it many times trying to fix these issues. No luck.

This is untenable. I will leave Quicken over this issue, after 25+ years. It takes me hours to enter these transactions manually and/or fix the beginning balance. I've been a loyal Quicken user (bugs and all) for over 25 years, but this it too much. I put ALL my expenses on these 3 cards and it's too much to enter manually.

I'm pretty much done. :(


  • rgeyer86
    rgeyer86 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    Guys, this isn't rocket science. You have a last SUCCESSFUL download transaction timestamp for each account. You query each account for the transactions since that last download timestamp. Why is this so difficult?

  • rgeyer86
    rgeyer86 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    Ok, I found a [Removed - Language] workaround that avoids manual transaction entry, but it's still a [Removed - Language] and time waste.

    I exported all the missing transactions from Citi site in a QFX file. I import them into quicken (File | File Import | Web Connect file…) into a new temp account. DO NOT import them into the existing CC account, that causes all kinds of inconsistencies and pain. In the new temp account, accept them from the import, then you can highlight the missing ones in a range, right click and select "Move transactions" and move them into the real account. Moving 100s of transactions takes a long time and I hear a "ka-ching" for every transaction, and they get slower and slower as they go. Quicken got so slow afterward I had to exit and restart it. I'm only running on a Gaming system with 12 cores and 64GB of ram, so I understand why it's slow…NOT!

    Lots of manual steps to workaround a silly download issue in the first place. As I stated above, I'm pretty much done with Quicken as soon as I find a suitable replacement.

  • rgeyer86
    rgeyer86 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    [Removed - Language] AI just deleted my last post for writing the cash register sound Quicken makes (ka-c h i n g). Nice!

    I found a workaround to avoid manually entering 100s of missing transactions. I used the File Import method. Here's my steps:

    1. Download/Export the missing transactions from the Citi web app into Quicken QFX format file(s).
    2. In Quicken, import the file(s) into a TEMP account using the menu: File | File Import | Web Connect… option.
    3. When prompted in Quicken, import them into a NEW temp account. DO NOT IMPORT INTO THE REAL existing ACCOUNT.

    4. After the transactions import, open the new account and Accept the downloaded transactions.

    5. In the register window, highlight the missing transactions in a range using Shift click method, right click and select Move transactions… picking the real account.

    6. Update the categories for the transactions moved over. Any transfers will most likely be recorded wrong.

    The transactions move over one at a time very slowly and I heard the cash register sound for every one, 212 times. The sound gets slower and slower as it goes. It took a few mins to move them all over. After it completed, Quicken was so sluggish I had to restart it. I only have a 12 core, 64G gaming machine so I understand why it was slow….NOT!

    Anyway, this avoids the manual entry, but it's still a PITA and waste of time for simply downloading transactions thru the normal method. As I stated above, I'm pretty much done with Q once I find a suitable replacement. :(

    Hope these instructions save someone else some manual entry pain down the road.

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2024

    Is Citi Card connection using Direct Connect?

    I have recently seen that Direct Connect is not downloading transactions, but Express Web Connect+ does.
    With DC, the last successful download timestamp updates in the register but the transactions do not download, the last statement download in Account Overview shows 0/0/1900 and the OSU detail for date and balance are incorrect.

    It seems something is broken with Citi Card DC.

    Also, with Direct Connect, the Citi Card Online Balance is incorrect for me.

    With EWC+ it shows okay.

    From Account Overview:

    From OSU using DC:

    OSU using EWC+:

    Deluxe R60.15, Windows 11 Pro

  • rgeyer86
    rgeyer86 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    How do you switch to Web Connect?

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    In account list right-click on the Citi account and Edit/Delete account, the Account Details window should display.

    Select Online Services tab, there should be a link in that display that gives an option to change connection type if the current connection is DC. That option does not display if the connection type is not DC.

    Select the option to change connection type. One of the selections is Express Web Connect+. That connection type is working for me.

    Hope this helps.

    Deluxe R60.15, Windows 11 Pro

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