Held Security not showing up in drop down

willi1 Member ✭✭✭

I have held Vanguard IDX Sml Cap in a couple of accounts for a few years. Today I was able to record a buy in one account, but when I went to enter in another account it doesn't show up under the security field in the register. If I go to Security Detail, it is there, and it is Not Hidden. Not sure what's happening. I rebooted Quicken to no avail. This has never happened before.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

Best Answer


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is the currency for the security the same as the currency for the account?

  • willi1
    willi1 Member ✭✭✭

    Thank you so much for pointing that out! How does one enter a purchase of a USD ETF in a Can denominated TFSA?

  • Arctic Hare
    Arctic Hare Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭

    You can't. You need to create a second account, denominated in USD, in Quicken. In the real world you will have one account that holds both USD and CAD denominated securities. In Quicken, you'll have two accounts, one denominated in CAD and one denominated in USD. It is a bit clumsy, but it works. If you do a F/X conversion using Norbert's Gambit (or similar) then you do a funds transfer with F/X between the two accounts.

  • willi1
    willi1 Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Yuck! But, thank you !

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