Quicken 2016 asset mixture

Jeff Kantner
Member ✭✭✭
Q2016 Premier. Asset Allocation reports (for one or more accounts) apparently take only passing notice of the Asset Mixture for funds where it is specified. A given fund appears in only one section of the report, so a holding with a 50/50 split is a crapshoot. Worse are holdings with a 90/10 split categorized as 'Other', or in some cases categorized with the 10% holding. Is there a means to get an accurate asset allocation picture where Asset Mixtures are correctly accounted for? Not asking if the mixture for any given item is correct - that's a separate question.
The first step is to make sure the Asset Mixture for each of your holdings is correct. By default Quicken will download this for you, but often you will get a large chunk categorized as "other", or you may disagree with its dividing line between large and small cap for example. For these reasons I set the allocations manually, using data from Morningstar.
To do this, go to the Security Detail view for each of your securities, click on Edit Security Details, define the mixture, and un-check Download asset class information.
Now the figures shown in Investing/Allocations should be correct.
If you go to Investing/Portfolio and group by asset class, it will still lump all your securities that hold more than one asset class into the "mixture" group. This is a Quicken limitation.
Also I have had problems with the Asset Allocation report valuing some of my holdings at zero, which throws off what is reported there, but that is another problem.QWin Premier subscription0
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