QWin: Why is it that when I add a new security to my portfolio, unless I add it to my watchlist the

Unknown Member
edited 2018 20 in Investing (Windows)
stock quotes not downloading for new securities in my portfolio unless i add it to my watchlist.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Alumni
    edited 2017 28
    Hi Juliano,

    I'm sorry for any confusion or inconvenience this has caused.To help us provide the most appropriate response, please let us know which Quicken product (QWin or QMac) and what version (2016, 2017, etc.) you are using. Also, are you using the US version of Quicken or Quicken Canada?

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 19

    Go into your Security List.
    Check that
    - the "Download Quotes" box for this security is checked
    - the security has the correct Type: Stock, Mutual Fund, etc., not "Market Index".

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 26
    Yes that is the first thing I verified, as I previously stated, I have to check "add to watchlist" for the security quote to download. This only applies to new securities added to my portfolio. Existing securities download without issues. 


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 19

    I forgot to add

    - the security has a valid Ticker Symbol
    - the security is not marked as hidden.
    - remove the Watch List checkmark.

    Go to the Investing tab, click the v triangle next to the Update button.
    Click Historical Prices
    Check the list to make sure the new securities have a checkmark (or simply click "Mark all").
    Click Update Now.

    Are you now getting downloads for the new securities?

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2019 23
    Quicken will only download quotes for a security if ALL of the following is true.
    • Valid ticker symbol.
    • Security isn't hidden.
    • Security is either on the watch list or there is a position (was bought) in one of your registers.
    • The Download Quotes check box is selected.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2018 20
    Yes to all of the above. I will repeat, it only updates when it's on the watch list. If it is on the watch list, it's not hidden, it has the correct symbol, and as I stated before I added the security to my portfolio, therefore I have a position.

    This started when I upgraded to 2017. never had the issue before, when I added a new security to my holdings.

  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    Yes to all of the above. I will repeat, it only updates when it's on the watch list. If it is on the watch list, it's not hidden, it has the correct symbol, and as I stated before I added the security to my portfolio, therefore I have a position.

    This started when I upgraded to 2017. never had the issue before, when I added a new security to my holdings.


    Let's have a screen capture of the security list entry and the portfolio entry. Maybe something will be apparent if we can see what you are seeing.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    Yes to all of the above. I will repeat, it only updates when it's on the watch list. If it is on the watch list, it's not hidden, it has the correct symbol, and as I stated before I added the security to my portfolio, therefore I have a position.

    This started when I upgraded to 2017. never had the issue before, when I added a new security to my holdings.


    Here is the screen shot of both the portfolio and security list. c
    Cenovus energy is the security, as you see in the portfolio its not updated.
  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    Yes to all of the above. I will repeat, it only updates when it's on the watch list. If it is on the watch list, it's not hidden, it has the correct symbol, and as I stated before I added the security to my portfolio, therefore I have a position.

    This started when I upgraded to 2017. never had the issue before, when I added a new security to my holdings.


    I went out to Fidelity (my broker) and looked up CVE. That is, indeed, the symbol for Cenovus Energy ... but Fidelity shows it as a US stock that's traded on the NYSE.

    I wonder if that's the problem?


    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    Yes to all of the above. I will repeat, it only updates when it's on the watch list. If it is on the watch list, it's not hidden, it has the correct symbol, and as I stated before I added the security to my portfolio, therefore I have a position.

    This started when I upgraded to 2017. never had the issue before, when I added a new security to my holdings.


    Well, I dug a bit deeper and found that CVE is listed on both the TSX and the NYSE.

    So much for that earlier theory.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    It's cve in Toronto also, and it's set up as a canadian security. Also as I stated before if I add to the watchlist it will update properly.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 20
    I think what you are reporting is consistent with what QPW told you.  
    Quicken will only download quotes for a security if ALL of the following is true.
    • Valid ticker symbol.
    • Security isn't hidden.
    • Security is either on the wish list or there is a position (was bought) in one of your registers.
    • The Download Quotes check box is selected.
    The security must be owned or on the Watch list to be included in the downloaded prices.  (I have not checked his 2nd and 4th criteria).  I believe my QW2014 behaved the same way.  Longer ago, that was not the case - the download prices check box was sufficient.  

    At some point in the past years, a tweak was made whereby if you sold off all shares of a security, that security was effectively removed from the download list even though it was still checked as to-be-downloaded.  I don't know if that tweak relates to this behavior you are citing today.  One of the ramifications of that tweak, if you subsequently re-established a position in that security at a later date, the security would not be automatically re-added back onto the list.

    Bottom line -- if you want to watch the prices and don't own it, you have to put it on your Watch List.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2018 13
    I have never previously owned he security, all the criteria you mentioned above are correct. For whatever reason there's a flaw in the software. L have been using quicken for approx. 19 years and this is the first time this has happened with a new security.

    What you mentioned about a security that had been sold and the repurchased, yes it has happened, but this is totally different.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    I have never previously owned he security, all the criteria you mentioned above are correct. For whatever reason there's a flaw in the software. L have been using quicken for approx. 19 years and this is the first time this has happened with a new security.

    What you mentioned about a security that had been sold and the repurchased, yes it has happened, but this is totally different.

    Frankly from what I see of your screenshots I think it should be updating.
    You portfolio view shows you owning 1,500 shares, and the screenshot of the security looks fine to me too.

    I just tried adding CVE to my Quicken 2017 US version with 1,000 shares and it updated fine.

    I also currently have access to the Quicken 2016 Canadian version, so I tried it on there too, and it worked fine.

    So I don't know what is going on, it might be something with Quicken 2017 Canadian.

    I did notice a bit different between the US and Canadian version in that CVE on the US version was automatically marked as a international stock, but on the Canadian version it didn't get this information and was marked as "Other".  But it did download the prices.  Current price in the Canadian version is $9.55.
  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2017 27
    q.lurker said:

    I think what you are reporting is consistent with what QPW told you.  

    Quicken will only download quotes for a security if ALL of the following is true.
    • Valid ticker symbol.
    • Security isn't hidden.
    • Security is either on the wish list or there is a position (was bought) in one of your registers.
    • The Download Quotes check box is selected.
    The security must be owned or on the Watch list to be included in the downloaded prices.  (I have not checked his 2nd and 4th criteria).  I believe my QW2014 behaved the same way.  Longer ago, that was not the case - the download prices check box was sufficient.  

    At some point in the past years, a tweak was made whereby if you sold off all shares of a security, that security was effectively removed from the download list even though it was still checked as to-be-downloaded.  I don't know if that tweak relates to this behavior you are citing today.  One of the ramifications of that tweak, if you subsequently re-established a position in that security at a later date, the security would not be automatically re-added back onto the list.

    Bottom line -- if you want to watch the prices and don't own it, you have to put it on your Watch List.All 4 of the stated requirements seem to be met ... per the graphics that the OP has provided.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    I have never previously owned he security, all the criteria you mentioned above are correct. For whatever reason there's a flaw in the software. L have been using quicken for approx. 19 years and this is the first time this has happened with a new security.

    What you mentioned about a security that had been sold and the repurchased, yes it has happened, but this is totally different.

    Note in the Canadian version I notice it didn't pick up the security name correctly either when I setup it up.

    I'm curious, if you select CVE in the security list, is the Delete button active?
    When Quicken thinks you have purchased the security, it will not enable the Delete button.  If your Delete button is active it might be an indication that Quicken doesn't think you own the security.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    I have never previously owned he security, all the criteria you mentioned above are correct. For whatever reason there's a flaw in the software. L have been using quicken for approx. 19 years and this is the first time this has happened with a new security.

    What you mentioned about a security that had been sold and the repurchased, yes it has happened, but this is totally different.

    No the delete button is not highlighted. When I check the box "add to watchlist" it downloads the quote and it also shows up on the watchlist.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    I have never previously owned he security, all the criteria you mentioned above are correct. For whatever reason there's a flaw in the software. L have been using quicken for approx. 19 years and this is the first time this has happened with a new security.

    What you mentioned about a security that had been sold and the repurchased, yes it has happened, but this is totally different.

    Very strange indeed.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2018 13
    Definitely a flaw in the software, hopefully quicken will correct the issue. It must be happening to others
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    juliano said:

    Definitely a flaw in the software, hopefully quicken will correct the issue. It must be happening to others

    In fact I sort of remember some people using the Canadian version mentioning having problems with downloading of quotes, but I don't know the details because I didn't follow those threads very closely.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited 2017 27
    I don't see a recommendation to validate your file or, if possible and simple, to reload the transactions that put CVE into your portfolio (I had to do something similar tonight, in fact, and the issue resolved).  If QPW could load the security under a different name, then it might stand to reason that there was a glitch in setting up the security in the first place (and possibly a different sort of glitch than just a download glitch).  Other suggestions all seem totally logical and I don't rush to bugs as a solution given that all your other securities are updating correctly.  Might be worth a shot to revalidate.
  • Steve308@
    Steve308@ Member ✭✭
    q_lurker said: At some point in the past years, a tweak was made whereby if you sold off all shares of a security, that security was effectively removed from the download list even though it was still checked as to-be-downloaded. One of the ramifications of that tweak, if you subsequently re-established a position in that security at a later date, the security would not be automatically re-added back onto the list. Bottom line -- if you want to watch the prices and don't own it, you have to put it on your Watch List.
    The other bottom line, particularly for those who trade a significant number of securities, is that you should probably check the status of the Download Quotes box each time you make a purchase, since it would be easy to forget that you've previously owned that security.
This discussion has been closed.