Missing check numbers since last update

"Missing check numbers" as in "the Check # field now is blank" or as in "The Check # column is missing from my account register"?0
The field is blank from February 2017. It is normal before that.0
Hi Rick,
Sorry to hear your check numbers are missing from your historical transactions. If you haven't done so yet, please try validating your data file to check for data integrity issues (File > File Operations > Validate and Repair > place a check mark in the Validate file box and click OK to run the validation). Were any errors found in the file?
Have you tried restoring a backup? File > Backup and Restore > Restore from Backup file. Select the most recent backup created prior to upgrading and Restore Backup. Are the check numbers appearing now?
If you continue having trouble, please include screenshots of your account register, making sure to capture the missing check numbers.
Thank you!
Alex0 -
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................0 -
Hey Rick,This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................
Sorry you still haven't found a solution.
I have reopened the previous thread and moved your response here.
Do transactions continue to download without a check number?
What is the name of the bank and the connection type that you use?
Let us know so we can assist you further!
-Quicken Tyka~~~***~~~0 -
Yes, still download without a check number. Charles Schwab Bank, Express Web Connect. This connection was working since 2012, and the check numbers were there, but now gone.This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................0 -
Thank you for answering that.This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................
I ask because this can sometimes be fixed by changing the connection type but unfortunately that isn't an option hear.
I want to try creating a test file to see if that happens in a new file to try to isolate what is causing this.
Can you go to File and New Quicken File.
You'll be asked to sign in and then add this Charles Schwab account and see if the recent transactions download the without a check number as well.
Let me know how it goes!
-Quicken Tyka~~~***~~~0 -
No check numbers in the check number column. Is there some setting I am missing?This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................0 -
Just to be clear, the check numbers are missing all the way back to February 1, 2017. There had been check numbers there before, but they have been "erased" even from the reconciled transactions. Before that date, they all appear to still be there. Still seeking a solution, as I average 35-45 transactions month through that account.This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Check numbers still missing.
Previously posted, but conversation was closed before I could reply. The problem remains after trying all the suggestions. To restate it, Quicken Premiere 2016 Windows Ver R16.1 Build, Windows 10, Lenovo Yoga 910. My main checking account is suddenly missing ALL check numbers from February of 2017. No error messages. I've checked all the usual settings. Ditto all other possible entries (ATM, DEP, etc). Still looking for a solution without having to re-download all the date and make the category updates. Or worse, enter all the check numbers manually. And, Alex, if you see this, I really do not want to post screenshots of my register. The downloaded payee box DOES show the check number, but that does not help me. Looking for suggestions.................0 -
Hello Rick,
I'm sorry you continue to have trouble with these missing check numbers dating back to February 2017.
If restoring a backup didn't resolve this issue for you, it might be best to contact our Care team at this point for additional troubleshooting.
Our contact details can be found at https://www.quicken.com/support#contact-support.
Best regards,
Alex0 -
Has this been fixed? I just updated to and now the check# field is blank for newly downloaded transactions from Wells Fargo.
Any ideas?0 -
No, never fixed. After trying all suggestions, I finally created new accounts and downloaded the two years the bank would provide. I then added the historical data from the old accounts. Then i went back to the original paper documents, and entered missing information by hand, corrected all the double entries, until the accounts were correct. Around 30 hours of work, and never an explanation of what happened. So far, is working now, but a very unhappy customer.0
I am in the same situation, same update, also Wells Fargo, not check numbers for newly downloaded transactions. Sounds like a trend to me.Has this been fixed? I just updated to and now the check# field is blank for newly downloaded transactions from Wells Fargo.
Any ideas?0 -
maryfsan and Robert Longendyke your problem doesn't sound like Rick Spinner's problem. His problem was that the check numbers were "blanked" out in old transactions entries, not that new downloaded transactions weren't getting a check number.Has this been fixed? I just updated to and now the check# field is blank for newly downloaded transactions from Wells Fargo.
Any ideas?
Wells Fargo downloads have been having a lot of problem lately and such I would think that the problem might me "in their court", but probably you need to find recent Wells Fargo thread, talking about missing check numbers.
EDIT: or create one for yourselves.0 -
Just for the record, my bank is not Wells Fargo, rather another major bank. After talking with senior staff at that bank, there has been no change in their methodology in over two years. The problem started concurrently with the Quicken software update in the spring. The update resulted not only in the failure to display the downloaded check numbers in the appropriate column, but the removal of check numbers on already cleared and reconciled transactions for roughly the preceding year. The timing and available facts suggest a change in the Quicken software caused corrupted instructions for existing data and a mismatch with the bank's download method. Updating the download method corrected the problem going forward for a couple of accounts, others were unaffected. Past missing check numbers were unaffected. In the end, the process I used was the only one that seemed to work for me.Has this been fixed? I just updated to and now the check# field is blank for newly downloaded transactions from Wells Fargo.
Any ideas?0