Banking Transaction Report not working

AlmostRetirdGeek Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
edited January 2019 in Reports (Windows)
When I try running a "Banking, Transaction Report" I get a total useless series of identical columns.  I've tried customizing the report options but nothing seems alter the format of the output, although the numbers will change.  I'm an experienced Quicken user who has been using the product since the early nineties so it is not like I don't know what I'm doing.  I've previously created the transaction report numerous time, especially around tax time.  Here is a screen shot of the report I am getting when I run the report.

I'm running the most current version of Quicken for Windows, 2019, R15.18, Build

Quicken user since 1991 (DOS Version)


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    When you have this "garbage data" report on screen, click the Customize icon, then click the "Reset Columns" button.
    That will fix the report right up.
    If you are working with a saved report, do not forget to re-save the report, replacing the old saved copy.
  • lgs0304
    lgs0304 Member
    edited November 2018
    Thanks so much!  I never realized there was a "Reset Columns" option!

  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    What you are describing is a different problem, and one that I am not seeing with the stock Banking Transaction report in QWin Premier 2019 R15.18.

    When I open the report as you describe, it is not filtered to the selected account, but as expected shows the total balance and all accounts.

    If you want to pursue this further, please start a separate thread.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    I started a separate thread as suggested but FYI when I did a search on the report this thread came up. 

    When you ran your "stock banking transaction" report did you have your checking account register opened?  If not you did not run the report in the same manner in which I did.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    Yes I had a checking account register open. It showed all transactions in all accounts, and the balances look correct if I include unrealized gains.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    Very strange because that is not what happens when I open the report and I am using the exact same version.  It is not a one time thing, I can repeat it over and over again...
  • AlmostRetirdGeek
    AlmostRetirdGeek Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    UKR said:

    When you have this "garbage data" report on screen, click the Customize icon, then click the "Reset Columns" button.
    That will fix the report right up.
    If you are working with a saved report, do not forget to re-save the report, replacing the old saved copy.

    Thanks, that worked with one caveat.  The first time I ran the report after clicking on Reset Columns, I had all accounts selected.  I should have noticed that the columns listed in Show Columns were still missing after I clicked on Reset Columns. So when I ran the report the first time after selecting Reset Columns, I still got the useless listing of numbers again.  I then customized the report again for only one account and again Reset Columns.  This time after clicking on Reset Columns the columns were listed in the Show Columns.  Now the report works for multiple or single accounts.

    I noticed that there is still a glitch in the report.  If you select the Banking, Transaction report from the Report and Graphs Center and then click on Customize, the Show Columns listing is blank.  If you then run the report, the columns will be on the report.  Then if you go customize the report after running it, the columns will be listed in the Show Columns list.  So if you want to customize the columns, you have to run the report first before you can customize it.
    Quicken user since 1991 (DOS Version)
  • mshiggins
    mshiggins Quicken Windows 2017 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    From C. D. Bales:

    "If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance. It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?".

    I disagree.

    In my experience (and my current testing in Q2004, Q2012, Q2014, Q2017, Q2018), Quicken has never defaulted to listing only transactions for the currently open account for Reports > Banking > Transactions. [Quicken sensibly does do that for Reports > Banking > Reconciliation - and grays out the report name when no account is open for which a reconciliation report is available.]

    The default for Banking > Transactions has always been All Accounts.

    The "balance" (the "Net Total") in Reports > Banking includes the balance-forward amount; so, unless all transactions in all selected accounts are displayed (making the balance-forward $0.00), the report balance won't be the net amount of the transactions displayed in the report. But a subtotal is shown for the displayed transactions.

    I also disagree that Quicken "should" default to displaying only the transactions in the currently open account for Reports > Banking > Transactions. That would never be my most frequent need for that report.

    More importantly: If you want a report of only the transactions in the currently open non-investment account: click the Account Actions gear-wheel icon in the account register, hover your cursor on "More reports" and click "Register Report". You can even add "More reports" to the account Action Bar to save a click.

    Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
    Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    It was my bad.  I was not scrolling down far enough in the report to see all of the transactions because it was sorted by Account/Date and not Date/Account which I prefer.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.


    Thanks for 'fessing up.

    It is a minor annoyance, but I think it would be nicer and cause less confusion if the default sort order for the reports was Date/Account rather than Account/Date.

    The user has picked a date range, so why not present the results in date order? For many of the reports you can group the results by account and get a subtotal to boot if you want, so I can't think of any occasion where I would have preferred the results all in one block in Account/Date order.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Snowman
    Snowman Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    I agree, this is one Gotcha that keeps getting me.  :-)
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    Snowman said:

    A bug in that report is that unless you go to customize and select the account you want the transactions for it will take the balance of all accounts as the starting balance.  If you have Bank Account A's register open and select Reports>Banking>Transactions is should only use that accounts balance.  It correctly singles out the transactions for that account, why not the balance as well?  I am using the latest Q2019 on a PC.

    mshiggins: "More importantly: If you want a report of only the transactions in the currently open non-investment account: click the Account Actions gear-wheel icon in the account register, hover your cursor on "More reports" and click "Register Report". You can even add "More reports" to the account Action Bar to save a click."  Thanks so much for this most useful info
This discussion has been closed.