combine mutaul funds within a fund family

Unknown Member
edited January 2019 in Investing (Windows)
I am new to Quicken and mistakenly downloaded a series of mutual funds from one Mutual Fund Family and now each fund is listed separately instead of under the Mutual Fund Family umbrella. How can I move them within Quicken to a new brokerage/Mutual fund named account?


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    If these are indeed individual mutual funds belonging to the same account, what I would do, especially since you just set this up, is delete everything you just did, and re-establish a new single Quicken account for the fund family, making sure you do *not* specify it is a single fund within. Then do a new download. All the funds should populate within the single account.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    If these are indeed individual mutual funds bringing to the same account, what I would do, especially since you just set this up, is delete everything you just did, and re-establish a new single Quicken account for the fund family, making sure you do *not* specify it is a single fund within. Then do a new download. All the funds should populate within the single account.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited January 2019
    If these are indeed individual mutual funds bringing to the same account, what I would do, especially since you just set this up, is delete everything you just did, and re-establish a new single Quicken account for the fund family, making sure you do *not* specify it is a single fund within. Then do a new download. All the funds should populate within the single account.
  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
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