Creating and Voting for Ideas in the Community

Quicken Windows Subscription admin
edited September 2024 in Community Training (FAQ'S)


Do you have a great idea to improve Quicken or the Community?  We want to hear it!

PRO TIP: Search for an idea before you post a new one; you can browse the idea categories here:

Product Ideas- Quicken Classic for Windows

Product Ideas- Quicken Classic for Mac

Product Ideas-Quicken Classic for Canada

Product Ideas-Quicken Mobile

Product Ideas- Quicken on the Web

Product Ideas - Quicken LifeHub

Community Improvement Suggestions

Voting for an Idea
If someone else has posted your idea, you can vote for it by clicking the "^" triangle under the voting count, either in the list of ideas or on the first post in the thread:

If you accidentally vote up an idea, just click the voting box again to remove your vote.  You can only vote on an idea once.

Adding an Idea
If your idea is brand new, congrats!  Just click the "New Post" dropdown in the top right of the community and click on "New Idea".  Just be sure to add as much detail as possible to make your argument for why your idea should be implemented.

Quicken Kathryn
Community Administrator
This discussion has been closed.