Any way to change register columns for all accounts at once?

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
Is there any way to change register columns for all accounts at once?
Best Answer
I think @Snowman is talking about Quicken Windows, as there are no such preferences in Quicken Mac.
@CraigC2019 No, you cannot change register columns for multiple accounts at once. It's a bit of a pain when you're new to the program, and the only consolation I can offer is that after some initial tweaking, you usually don't have to deal with this too much. For instance, I use the Memo/Notes field extensively, so I needed to add this to every register because it isn't visible by default -- but once I did this once, it's done and I don't have to deal with it any more. Similarly, I prefer two columns for money in and out rather than the single Amount column, so I configured this in each of my registers, but once set, I never touch it. (Remember to change not only your individual accounts, but the registers for grouped accounts, like Cash, Credit Card, Banking All Transactions.)
Cross-account column changes isn't quite as simple as it might seem, because different type of accounts have columns with different names. (For instance, Checking accounts have Payment for money out and Deposit for money in, while credit card accounts have Change for money out and Payment for money in, while cash accounts have Spend and Receive, etc.) Should the program offer to change all similar type accounts at once, or all accounts even with different column names? These are, of course, solvable problems, but I perceive that the developers faced with so many missing features in Quicken Mac, have generally chosen to work on adding things the program simply couldn't yet do over enhancements -- like this -- that would make certain features a little easer to use.
There is a longstanding Idea thread on this topic here. It's status has been change dot "Under Consideration," which reflects that the product manage has acknowledged the request and that they may add this functionality in a future update. (Unfortunately, a bug in the forum software is currently preventing users from adding their votes to "Under Consideration" topics, but if this is fixed in the future, you can add your vote there, as higher vote totals do help influence which of many feature requests the developers tackle sooner.)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19935
Not that I am aware of. The customization's that you apply to one account will not transfer to another account. The only place you can globally change a register is Edit>Preferences and select "Register" in the left pane. Those settings will be globally applied.
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I think @Snowman is talking about Quicken Windows, as there are no such preferences in Quicken Mac.
@CraigC2019 No, you cannot change register columns for multiple accounts at once. It's a bit of a pain when you're new to the program, and the only consolation I can offer is that after some initial tweaking, you usually don't have to deal with this too much. For instance, I use the Memo/Notes field extensively, so I needed to add this to every register because it isn't visible by default -- but once I did this once, it's done and I don't have to deal with it any more. Similarly, I prefer two columns for money in and out rather than the single Amount column, so I configured this in each of my registers, but once set, I never touch it. (Remember to change not only your individual accounts, but the registers for grouped accounts, like Cash, Credit Card, Banking All Transactions.)
Cross-account column changes isn't quite as simple as it might seem, because different type of accounts have columns with different names. (For instance, Checking accounts have Payment for money out and Deposit for money in, while credit card accounts have Change for money out and Payment for money in, while cash accounts have Spend and Receive, etc.) Should the program offer to change all similar type accounts at once, or all accounts even with different column names? These are, of course, solvable problems, but I perceive that the developers faced with so many missing features in Quicken Mac, have generally chosen to work on adding things the program simply couldn't yet do over enhancements -- like this -- that would make certain features a little easer to use.
There is a longstanding Idea thread on this topic here. It's status has been change dot "Under Consideration," which reflects that the product manage has acknowledged the request and that they may add this functionality in a future update. (Unfortunately, a bug in the forum software is currently preventing users from adding their votes to "Under Consideration" topics, but if this is fixed in the future, you can add your vote there, as higher vote totals do help influence which of many feature requests the developers tackle sooner.)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19935
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