When automatic downloading bank transactions ,how to get Quicken for Mac 2019 to enter full payee na

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When automatic downloading bank transactions, how to get Quicken for Mac 2019 to enter full payee name from bank instead of shortened example Caremark on bank entries shows the name of the patient, but when automatically downloaded by Quicken, it only shows "Caremark" in the register and not the rest of the payee name that the bank had. How do I get it to show full payee name?
Best Answer
For starters, temporarily add the "FI Payee" column to one of your registers. This shows the Payee name exactly as it is coming from your financial institution. This will show whether your problem with the Payee name in Quicken is coming from your bank or being created by Quicken. It's not unusual for banks to show one Payee name if you log in on the bank's website or download your statement, yet provide a different payee name in downloads to Quicken. So see where the actual problem lies, then we can offer suggestions about what you might be able to do in Quicken to improve things... and what we've been led to believe is coming in a future update.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19936
For starters, temporarily add the "FI Payee" column to one of your registers. This shows the Payee name exactly as it is coming from your financial institution. This will show whether your problem with the Payee name in Quicken is coming from your bank or being created by Quicken. It's not unusual for banks to show one Payee name if you log in on the bank's website or download your statement, yet provide a different payee name in downloads to Quicken. So see where the actual problem lies, then we can offer suggestions about what you might be able to do in Quicken to improve things... and what we've been led to believe is coming in a future update.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19936
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