Current Account Balance Report only shows Partial Account Name

Steve54@ Member ✭✭✭
When I print a Current Account Balance Report only part of the Account Name is shown. Many of my Account Names use all the allowed characters. I used names that are at least 40 characters. (This is done to enable filtering in Excel on account characteristics that Quicken does not provide).

My question / problem:

This is a simple two column report of Account Name and Balance. I set the time frame to Last Week. With the margins set to .5 inches and Landscape there is a huge area of white space on the printed page. Even though there are 9 inches of space per line only about 28 characters of the Account Name are printed followed by the three dots of the ellipses...

Why is this report (and others) not using all available space on the line?



  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Many of my Account Names use all the allowed characters. I used names that are at least 40 characters. (This is done to enable filtering in Excel on account characteristics that Quicken does not provide). "

    Not really solving your problem but ... just a thought
    You might consider using shorter account names and also using the account description to fill out the account characteristics.  There is an option in the Preference for reports to use Account Name, Account Description, or both in the report presentations.  Even with Both selected, there still seems to be a limit of about 37 characters total that are used for the Account Balance Report Account column.  
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you haven't already, I suggest you consider reducing the font size: select Edit > Preferences...

  • Steve54@
    Steve54@ Member ✭✭✭
    Yes, I can and have done workarounds due the limitations of the report writer. What do you do with the limitations of the report reader (me)?

    Is this a solution that creates accessibility issue for those with limited vision? I am very happy with the improvements done in the last couple of years. Small changes like this make for an better UX update. (UX - User Experience).

    Now that the Quicken company is putting effort into the software. My question really is can Quicken put this trivial request on the list of items to be worked. In fact, a good review and refresh of the Report Writer would be appreciated.

    Yes, I am older (vision challenges) and once upon a time I worked in software development. In those days these kinds of things would be rated at a "C" priority. In other words not important to the developer but could be a win for the customer. But considered as an Accessibility enhancement maybe it needs a higher ranking.

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