Price shows zero on certain securities downloaded from vanguard 401k

I set up my quicken account to log in to Vanguard and download my 401k. I have quicken premier 2019 for windows R 21.16. There are 5 funds in the vanguard account. Following the download the share balances are correct for all 5 funds but 3 of the funds show price/quote = 0. The other two of the funds show correct current price. The 3 funds that don't have prices don't have ticker symbols. I can't locate any ticker symbols. They have Vanguard Fund Numbers but no tickers. I am thinking quicken would pull down the associated price info from the vanguard download since it get the transactions. Thoughts?

Best Answer


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you go to Tools > Online Center, select the Holdings tab, and pick Vanguard and the account, you can see the data that was downloaded from Vanguard.

    Also look at the price history for the problem funds (Update > Edit Price history from the Security datail view)  If a price of zero was downloaded after the price from Vanguard, that is what will be recorded.

    If these problem funds are not publicly traded (unit trusts, stable value funds, etc) or are money market funds, make sure "Download Quotes" is not selected for them in the Security list.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Thank you Jim. I believe that did it. The last price recorded was 0. Perhaps it had been set to download the price and without a ticker, returned zero. I will know for sure if this fixed it next week when I use it a few times with new data to download from Vanguard, however I think tht may have fixed it. Thanks.
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Hi Jim -- it does not appear to be 100% fixed yet. One of the Vanguard securites is a Trust and not traded and I see that at Vanguard it only lists a balance and no price is shown (it just shows a "dash".) So Quicken seems to record no price and then shows a balance of zero. If I edit the price in Quicken to be 1 then the balance is correct. Any thoughts on a fix?
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    You may have to edit the downloaded transactions to set the price to 1.00 before accepting them. 

    Any fix would have to be done by Vanguard
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Hi Jim -- I have downloaded a few times since last week and thought it was working fine but have found it is not downloading the transactions, but it is downloading the share prices. I have checked everything that makes sense. Ideas?
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    This sounds like an entirely different problem than what you first described.

    Is the account listed and checked in the One Step Update list?

    Are there any error messages when you download?

    Do the share balances for the account match between Vanguard and Quicken?
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Hi Jim -- I agree it does seem like a different problem but it probably was there all along. I beleive the share count has not changed since I first contacted you. To answer your questions: the account is listed and checked in one step update; it shows no errors messages when I download (it says "complete" when done); but the shares do not balance between Vanguard and Quicken.
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I used Quicken support and got it resolved.
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    Jim -- after the first few comment you vanished and no one else chimed in, however I was able to get it resolved with Quicken support. Thanks for trying but I wish someone would have said something to let me know you were done trying.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Glad you were able to get your issue resolved, and sorry I did not follow up. 

    What was the resolution? 
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Scott M
    Scott M Member ✭✭
    We reset the account and corrected errors.
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