Planning tab / budget - not working

PostProdGuy Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Decided to try the budgeting function in Quicken. Tried it a couple of times in past years but found it unwieldy, but decided to give it another try.

When I click on the Planning tab Budget item, I get the "This Quicken file contains no budgetable accounts...." pop up. Various solutions I find to this include doing a file validation (have done that many times over the years unrelated to the Budget function), reloading an older back up and re-inputting X-number of entries since that backup date (not a reasonable option).

I check various Account details and do not see any selectable options to make an account "budgetable".

Am I missing something? Is associating an account to a budget buried in some other menu? Is this feature broken in Quicken? If so broken temporarily or permanently?

Do I need to rely on Excel spreadsheets for creating a budget?

Best Answer


  • David Christopher
    David Christopher Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Do you actually have an old budget in the file?  When that screen comes up does it not give you an choice as to create a new budget?  If so, create a new budget using this guided starting place. 
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