Logix Credit Union - Error CC-502

Sue_H Member ✭✭
Saturday afternoon I was able to successfully download transactions from Logix Credit Union but since Sunday morning I've been receiving CC-502 errors. Only for the Logix accounts. I've confirmed I'm on the latest Quicken release (R 23.14). I've waited multiple business days. I've selected "Update Now" from the transaction register gear icon. Still the errors persist.

I've also deactivated all of my Logix accounts, rebooted the computer, and reactivated/re-linked the accounts with the existing Quicken accounts. No joy. I'd rather not delete/recreate the accounts in Quicken as I'd lose many years of history.

I have been able to successfully download transactions using a QFX import, but that gave me some duplicate entries so I'm using that as a last resort. Is there something more I can try?

Seems like multiple people are having the same error from other institutions. Is there some commonality between these reports?

Best Answer


  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    EDIT - updated topic title to better reflect FI and Error - Q&A -
  • Sue_H
    Sue_H Member ✭✭
    ps56k - Thanks for the topic title update. I had made the original title non-FI specific because I felt that there are so many CC-502 errors from many different FIs and I was thinking other readers may skip over a FI-specific submission. But I am new here so thank you for your help!
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    Hello Sue_H,

    Thank you for taking the time to report this issue to the Community, although I apologize that you have not yet received a response.

    If you are still needing assistance with the CC-502 error with Synchrony  Logix Credit Union., please take a moment and review the information available here.

    If the trouble persists after completing these steps, please contact support directly for advanced troubleshooting steps and a review of the logs for possible escalation.


    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

    (edited to include correct FI)

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    If you are still needing assistance with the CC-502 error with Synchrony, please take a moment and review the information available here.
    Not sure its - Synchrony - as per the FI text
    10626    10626    10626    Logix FCU    http://logixbanking.com/    800-328-LFCU    http://logixbanking.com/    ACTIVE        

  • Sue_H
    Sue_H Member ✭✭
    I did another test - created a new Quicken account and re-created the Logix accounts in it. After accepting all the downloaded transactions, I ran one step update and did not receive any errors. This showed me the problem is with my accounts.

    Running validate and super validate on the old account didn't show any errors.

    I went back to my old Quicken account, deactivated all of the Logix accounts in it, and had download recreate new accounts. Again I accepted all the downloads and ran one step update without errors.

    Now I have the tedious task of moving entries from the old accounts to the new ones. Accepting each warning about moving a reconciled transaction is going to wear out my finger. Is there a faster way?
  • Sue_H
    Sue_H Member ✭✭
    UKR - that sounds like a good idea. Thanks!
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