Saving alternate payee info -- address, note, category, amount, etc.

I have been migrating from Quicken 2007 Mac to the newest sub. version.
Used to understand how Memorized Transactions worked, and how autofill worked, but can't quite master the intricacies of the new version (Payees vs rules vs Quick Fill vs ???).

Here is what I would like to do:
--I write two sets of regular checks to State Farm, one for home ins. and one for car ins.
--Payee is the same.
--Other stuff is different: category, mailing address, memo (policy #). The payment amounts are different for each policy, but usually the same for successive payment periods for each policy.
--In the past, most of this information came forward easily, for each kind of payment. But all this info does not seem to come forward now.

What is the best way to do this in the new version?

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