Is there an option to choose when to install an update?

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This discussion was created from comments split from: Quicken for Mac v5.14 Released.
Is there a way that I could choose when an update is installed in my QM2020? I prefer to wait until the problems have been identified and solved, instead of Quicken making everyone suffer. Thanks.0
Is there any way to turn OFF Auto Update? I want to remain on Version 5.13.3, but the "update" just popped up again in the middle of using Quicken.0
@Jeff B There is no auto-update in Quicken Mac. It does automatically pop up a dialog box when a newer version is available, but you can simply close the dialog box if you don't want to update. There is no way to turn off the notification of an update being available.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
Guess I meant to ask if there was a way to "turn off the notification of an update being available" - since it appears I'll be remaining on Quicken 3.13 in the foreseeable future. I fear I'll accidentally update..0
No, there is no way to turn off notifications about a newer version being available.
But upgrading is a multi-step process, so even if you accidentally click the button to download, it will download the upgrade package and pout up a second dial asking you to click the Ready to Install button. Just don't click that button, and it won't install the update. (Quit Quicken, re-launch, and you'll be back to the original screen notifying you there's an update available.)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
@Jeff B Out of curiosity, why do you want to stay on 5.13 instead of upgrading to 5.15?EDITING to add that I saw your post and reason in the other thread about the 5.15 release. I suppose I feel that QuickFill rules with some awkward usage issues (5.15) is better than no QuickFill rules at all (5.13), but I understand if you think otherwise.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
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