Quicken (R25.xx) opens with background logon screen - Still appears after being posted as resolved



  • Bobbo
    Bobbo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Original thread was closed. On March 2 Quicken Sarah said, "Our investigation determined that the root cause of this behavior was not due to the R25.10 product update, but was instead caused by a separate, internal server update that was released at the same time as the R25.10 update. This conversation is being closed as resolved, but if you do continue to receive a prompt to sign into the Quicken ID, please start a new post to report it and let us know."

    So, I am letting you know that the problem still exists.
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I just spent two hours on the phone with Quicken Support. After several steps she had me do, including reinstalling, restarting, so many I can not remember all of them. Nothing helped. Still have the same problem with the Quicken ID screen appearing behind my data password sign in. It usually disappears after I enter my data password.
    On another computer is a similar problem only the Quicken ID screen appears first and I can't get to my Data Password sign in.
    I received no answers for this problem from support.
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Did they just say sorry can't help or are they going to fix the problem on their end? I have tried twice once on 25.10 and once on 25.18- both same problem. I backup with an image so each time I restored to 24.14 which is fine, no problems.
  • tcschung
    tcschung Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Auto updating to Quicken 2020 (subscription) took place. Every time when lauch Quicken the log on screen for my Quicken Account appears and then goes away after Quicken is opened.
  • sleepwiner2
    sleepwiner2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I created a new ID for this forum since I too am having this problem since R25.10. I upgraded to version R25.18 thinking it would resolve the issue but it has not. I do not understand why the previous discussion was closed. I have been a Quicken user for many many years but do not do mobile or bill pay. I download transactions however. It takes forever for my system to load Quicken now and I find this unacceptable to close this issue when customers are reporting it still. Before retiring I was a software Quality Manager with a staff of 12 at a brokerage firm and I can assure you this is not quality when you cannot even sign into a product properly. I believe as a customer I deserve better! Please fix this issue and don't close discussions unless they are truly resolved.
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Support offered no further help or even implied that it may be their updates.
    Just gave me a ticket number and to call if it need to talk to support again.
    I too, have used Quicken for years but up until a couple of years ago I used Quicken software and installed upgrades myself. Now it seems like with the subscriptions there have been more issues.
    Support even had me install the Mondo Patch and that didn't work either. No changes at all with the issue.
    I think also they should get this issue cleared up as it is a great inconvenience to all of us having this problem.
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    The help desk people just follow guidelines already written for them and about all they can do is find user errors and help reload software. This will take a software developer to track down, it doesn't appear to be that hard as all is well in 24.14. Guess, I could come out of retirement and fix it for them? Oh well 24.14 does more than I use anyway, I just update because I get tired of getting messages that update is available. I had to fix UAC so they wouldn't update without asking- which I think is wrong for them to try. I stopped Microsoft automatic updating by changing a group policy.
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Can you tell me how I can get 24.14. I am not sure how to do that. Will it mess up any data already have in Quicken?
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    The only reason I was able to is because I do an image of my disk to an external drive prior to any updates, then remove the drive. If updates cause problems, or any other problems occur like ransomware, virus etc, all I have to do is boot from a recovery CD, hook back up the external drive and restore back to where I was. I do an image twice a week, they don't take long (15-20 min) and it is not something you have to sit and watch anyway. All that may be overkill, but does come in handy now and then. Guess it comes from 40 plus years as system software tech for the state.
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Also, after entering checks etc into Quicken, I always backup to thump drive and then remove. That way if it was a couple days since image and I entered checks, it is very easy to copy thump drive latest back to restored image.
  • heirhoffmeister
    heirhoffmeister Member ✭✭
    I too have this problem after Quicken did an online update R25.18. I been patiently waiting for a fix.
    I have a copy of Quicken on my laptop for the times I'm traveling so I don't use it that much. Quicken did an update to this copy yesterday and now it has the same problem. This can't be that hard for the Quicken programmers to duplicate. Don't write it off as solved when it isn't.
  • jorgel8375
    jorgel8375 Member ✭✭
    I have the same happening since the 2020 update
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Kind a proves that it is their update to R25.18 dosen't it?? And we are being charged for a subscription!!!
    Do they check in on these community discussions?
  • MHSwizzleStick
    MHSwizzleStick Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    GLE81342 said:
    Do they check in on these community discussions?
    If you look at page 1 of this thread, you'll see this post:
  • Bobbo
    Bobbo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken Sarah,
    The files you asked us to send to you do not exist on my PC. I did search for all of them to no avail. Please advise.
  • MHSwizzleStick
    MHSwizzleStick Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    You don't have to know where the files are. When you select Help -> Report a problem... you'll get a popup screen like this:
    Set category to Others and the subject to QWIN-16957. In the lower right, put a checkmark next to the log files Quicken Sarah requested (if they are listed) and click Send To Quicken.
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you want to see what is in the file, just click on the name.
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    All right. Please, let’s wait until the next update. It may be an issue with this update or this update is not compatible with a security in your system that may be causing this, as we tried everything we could to get it delete it.

    Well folks, just spent an hour and a half with Quicken Support Chat. The above is the last she had to say. She put me through several different steps and nothing worked.
    When I asked her when the next Quicken update would occur, her answer was they don't have that information in their department, I will just have to wait until Quicken gives me a message that a new update is ready.

    So folks, I guess we just need to relax and wait for that update. Think they need to give us some kind of discount on our next subscription. HA!
  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have Quicken Deluxe. Does anyone have Quicken Premium version that is has the same issue??
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Saying it could be security is a common explanation used a lot by help desk staff, but they have done all they can. Now it's up to IT folks to make it a priority to fix or wait until later. Usually they have list of enhancements and fixes all with priorities attached. I use paid version of Malwarebytes and Webroot, but when I disabled them it doesn't make any difference.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    just ignore the background logon screen - it will go away after 15secs or so -
    It appears to be related to ...
    - Quicken files with passwords
    - Quicken originally installed using Activation Codes

  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    On a different computer that I use at my church for Quicken, the Quicken ID sign-in screen appears before my data file password screen. I am unable to get to the data file password screen to sign in.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    GLE81342 said:
    On a different computer that I use at my church for Quicken, the Quicken ID sign-in screen appears before my data file password screen. I am unable to get to the data file password screen to sign in.
    what version on this other computer.... have not seen that scenario mentioned -
    ... Help --> About Quicken

  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same one that I use on my home computer. Windows 10, Quicken Deluxe.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    GLE81342 said:
    Same one that I use on my home computer. Windows 10, Quicken Deluxe.
    The Quicken menu command....  Help --> About Quicken -
    displays the exaxt version just so we know...

  • GLE81342
    GLE81342 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same one at my church
  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    True, remove data file password and you don't get the extra logon screen. I don't understand the comment of "Quicken originally installed using Activation Codes"? Whenever I have loaded or renewed I have to give an Activation code or what I call License Code. Then again on this last code I entered it was called Activation Code which added more time to an existing license for software already loaded. I would think this would be a common practice and didn't have an issue until 25.10.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    . I don't understand the comment of "Quicken originally installed using Activation Codes"?
    I believe the Activation Codes only come with the "retail" or boxed versions -
    vs the direct purchase and download from the Quicken website -
    And - as far as R25.10 - I believe it has nothing to do with the actual release, but it was at the same time that a change was made to the Quicken back end servers....
    So - it's just an easy reference point -

  • Divemaster
    Divemaster Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, that makes sense. I was thinking there ,might be a difference in activation/license code other than just terminology. I have never purchased directly from Quicken, but understand why in those cases you would not need a code of any kind.
  • jbeat8454
    jbeat8454 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I see that this question was previously closed and stated that it was an update to a Quicken server that created the issue. Most earlier posts referred to version R25.10. I am up to R25.18 and it is still happening. I extended my license which I purchased on Amazon and after activation this issue began. I removed and reinstalled my version 2020 Deluxe 27.1.25. 18 and still the same issue. Running on Windows 10 Pro version 1909.
This discussion has been closed.