Investing Portfolio Issue: When moving between securities using mouse - target row sometimes freezes

Then try clicking on target security again then seconds later the price of the equity changes to the price of the row that was most recently visited and row now in focus. Have to change price back to correct price. This is new as of latest update. R25.18 Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Its like a copy and paste is happening but request.
** User of Quicken since 1993 **


  • Edwin
    Edwin Member ✭✭
    Its like a copy and paste is happening but NOT requested.
    ** User of Quicken since 1993 **
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Edwin

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue, although I apologize that you haven't received a response.

    If you are still needing assistance and haven't done so already, please take a moment to review the steps available here.

    Please let us know how it goes!

    Thank you,

  • Edwin
    Edwin Member ✭✭
    Thanks- I have run the validate with no major issues found. Will see if the behavior is resolved. The bad behavior happens on occasions not on every cursor move. I generally find this Version of Quicken to be slower than my earlier 2017 perpetual version. Viewing account transaction listings opens slower - takes a couple seconds to open. Downloads are also twice as long from my financial institutions. Just not as snappy in general.
    ** User of Quicken since 1993 **
  • Edwin
    Edwin Member ✭✭
    The same issue happened again today. I moved the cursor using the mouse from one security to another one in the same brokerage account. The cursor is on the price of the security. The row highlights and then seems to freeze. If I click on the row again with the mouse, the row will a couple seconds later unfreeze but the price has been changed to the price from the previous security row. I am not doing a copy - simply moving focus to another security aka row. good grief this version is buggy. After decades of using Quicken this bug is the first one that concerns me - is data safe.
    ** User of Quicken since 1993 **
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Edwin

    Thank you for the response, although I am sorry to hear that the trouble continues to persist.

    At this time I would recommend contacting support directly for advanced troubleshooting steps.

    Quicken Care has the ability to initiate a screen share to view the issue in real-time to review and research this further.

    Thank you,
