Expand/Collapse report detail

Category summary reports use expand/collapse triangles to control the level of detail in the report. There are at least two levels of detail at the sub-category and category level. Is there a way to expand or collapse these levels via a button or in the report definition?

Best Answer


  • Quicken_Natalie
    Quicken_Natalie Moderator mod
    Hello @Neil Bray,

    Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Community with your inquiry, although I apologize that you have not yet received a response.

    The Category Summary report in Quicken for Mac allows you to customize the view between "details for all categories", "a summary of all categories", or "top-level categories only".

    Additionally, the Transaction Report is available by Category and this one allows you to expand and collapse each level of category included in the report by using the arrow, as you've mentioned here. 

    Hope this helps!

    -Quicken Natalie 

  • Neil Bray
    Neil Bray Member ✭✭
    Its unfortunate the report building function of QMac still so woefully trails the merely adequate function of QWin. I have been monitoring QMac for years now to see when to transition from QWin (Parallels VM) to native QMac. Looks like I will need to continue watching. Disappointing that the Mac side is so little valued. No Balance Sheet and no Account or Category transaction reports that don't require manipulation in Excel for so many years is very disappointing. I hope QMac catches up to QWin soon. An embarrassing situation for QMac developers.
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