Anybody else having problems displaying downloaded transactions from HSBC UK?

macfan84 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
I have connected Quicken to my HSBC UK accounts. It worked just fine until sometime in February 2020. Now when I synch accounts Quicken goes through the verification steps including validating the secure key and shows that it successfully downloaded a number of transactions, but nothing is displayed after 10 February 2020 and the account balance is incorrect. I've tried disabling then re-enabling the connection and adding the account as new from scratch, but no success. The status window shows the time of the connection and the number of new transactions, but no update to the account info in Quicken. My US HSBC account works just fine. Any ideas on what else to try?


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    In general Quicken doesn't support accounts other than in the US and Canada.  So basically you have just been lucky that for some reason your UK accounts have shown up and updated in the past.
    This is my website:
  • macfan84
    macfan84 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question Chris, but I'm afraid your answer is highly unsatisfactory. If "luck" is the involved, why is 'HSBC Bank (UK) - Personal and Cred' in Quicken's list of financial institutions when adding an account? Is that just lucky too? And why does an update tell the user that transactions have been downloaded yet not display them and update the balance? Seems like a failing on the side of Quicken, either for listing HSBC UK in available financial institutions or for not displaying the result of the transactions that have apparently been downloaded. How does a financial institution go about qualifying for the Quicken qualified list? Seems Intuit must validate their compatibility and that listing implies Quicken works with that bank. Your opening words of "In general…" indicate that Quicken does indeed work with some accounts outside of the US and Canada and having 'HSBC UK - Personal and Cred' in the list indicates it's one of those qualified institutions. The fact that it worked previously is further evidence that something has changed and it's probably on Quicken's side rather than the bank. Intuit should remove the bank from the qualified list, apologize to those subscribers who were "lucky" to have the connection work temporarily and inform them that the intent is for Quicken not to support banks outside of North America. If not that, then there should be effort expended to determine what changed to Quicken in February/March to foul the connection. Could there be a bug that's affecting other subscribers as well?
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    You can dislike all you want, but that is what the Quicken Inc policy is.

    Good luck getting any support to get it to work.  Note I'm just another user, so I have no stake in this at all.  And by support I mean Quicken Inc support, since that is most likely the only people that can put in a request to Intuit to change this kind of thing.  I seriously doubt that Quicken "the program" made any change in this area, instead the change was on the back end at Intuit (Quicken Inc pays Intuit for the service).
    This is my website:
  • macfan84
    macfan84 Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Chris, thanks for the clarification and my apologies for confusing you for someone inside Quicken by not noticing the member designation. I agree with your sentiment on who needs to take action. It's a Quicken/Intuit gap. After spending an unsuccessful hour on the phone with a very nice and capable Quicken support person named Dana I was hoping that posting in the community forum might attract action by the developers. Looks like I'll be going back to manually entering the UK transactions until I find an alternative to Quicken. Thanks again for your feedback.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Missing Some Transactions When Downloading From Bank?


    Quicken Says There Are Transactions to Accept But Do Not See Any

    Please read and try this:

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    @UKR this thread is for Mac, not Windows.   If this was on the Windows side there would be even less chance that you could download UK transactions.
    This is my website:
  • mark303
    mark303 Member ✭✭✭
    Hi - I'm also an HSBC UK customer. The Quicken Connect interface to HSBC UK has worked for me for a few years. Last year it stopped working in September (2019), but it was escalated in Quicken Support and fixed in about 10 days.

    But now it stopped again in February 2020. I thought the last day transactions were downloaded for me was about Feb 20th but it could have been earlier. And, as you say it does update the balance on all my accounts (checking, savings, credit card and mortgage) but no transactions are updated. The Account Status page shows that transactions are downloaded, but the number of transactions never changes so I'm not sure if it's really just downloading history.

    About a month ago I called Quicken and they told me I had to speak with HSBC. I had trouble finding someone at HSBC who even knew what Quicken was, but my relationship manager found someone who said that they made no changes to their systems in February (things had indeed changed last September), that Quicken was aware of the issue and needed to fix it on their side. I then re-called Quicken and the issue was escalated to tier 2 support. It's been about 10 days now and no fix. I plan to call Quicken again today to find out the status of my case.

    In any event, I'd call Quicken Support and tell them that HSBC said that Quicken was supposed to be fixing the issue and ask for an update. Maybe if they see more than one customer having an issue, they'll take action.
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