Deleteing Similar Payees

I have some Payees that were duplicated based on a misspelling or having added a subcategory to it. I have not figured out how to get rid of the incorrect or incomplete payee. I have attached a screen shot in which I would like to delete the item circled in RED. It is likely that I am completely missing something obvious.


  • roisenp1950
    roisenp1950 Member ✭✭
    Thank you for the response. RickO. Wll that makes perfect sense actually. I knew there had to be a reason for both being kept. I want to keep the 2nd one on the list so it automatically is selected. We shall see.
    I have been a quicken used since 2007 (and stuck with 2007) until about 3 months ago. What a completely new set of procedures. Much improve in many ways. Unfortunately the improvements are sucking me into trying new things which I do not need to even use. LOL God Bless,
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