how do I adjust margins and font size when printing reports (Q Mac)

Quicken Mac 2017 Member
how do I adjust margins and font size when printing reports
Best Answer
@YingDave This is a question about Quicken Mac, and your reply was about Quicken Windows.
@PattyJo There is no way to change the fonts or margins for reports in Quicken Mac. But one key thing that can be easily overlooked for most reports is in the Print dialog box: a checkbox to "Scale to fit [x] pages wide". This allows you to shrink wide reports to fit one page wide, or set them to be 2 or more pages wide if you have a lot of columns and don't want minuscule print.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19932
When you open the report and hit the Print icon or Alt+P it brings up the following dialog where you can specify the fonts and margins (highlighted). Note the Margins are on the extremities of the page not each column. The column width of each field is changed on the report when you change on the screen - so it does take some fiddling sometimes. Once you have the columns the right size to print the info with the font you want (ie. dates not cut off etc) then specify the margin and use the scaling functions.
Best to use Print Preview button, with Cancel until it looks right!0 -
@YingDave This is a question about Quicken Mac, and your reply was about Quicken Windows.
@PattyJo There is no way to change the fonts or margins for reports in Quicken Mac. But one key thing that can be easily overlooked for most reports is in the Print dialog box: a checkbox to "Scale to fit [x] pages wide". This allows you to shrink wide reports to fit one page wide, or set them to be 2 or more pages wide if you have a lot of columns and don't want minuscule print.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19932
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