I would like to download the Quicken app to a second computer

williagh Quicken Mac Subscription Member
Can I use the same app and database on two computers (mine and my wife's)? If so, how do I set it up on her computer with access to the same database (which is synced to the cloud)?

Best Answer

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    Agreeing with RickO, let me just expand on what the workflow would look like…

    The recommended safe procedure is to move only compressed copies of the data file. This could be either doing (a) Save a Backup from with Quicken, which created a .quickenbackup file, or (b) in the Finder, File > Compress on your Quicken data file after you have quit Quicken, which creates a .zip file.

    After each Quicken session, copy the compressed file (either the .quickenbackup or .zip file) to anywhere you want to use for sharing. This could be Dropbox, iCloud, or in a folder on one of your Macs with File Sharing turned on. The next time you want to use Quicken on either machine, copy the latest compressed copy to the Mac, and double-click to open and then launch Quicken. At the end of your work in Quicken, repeat the process of making the backup or compressed file and copying it back to your shared storage location.

    Yes, this takes a few seconds each time to make the backup and copy it to your shared location, and a few seconds to copy it back and open it -- but it's the only truly safe way to do this. And after you do it a few times and have the workflow ingrained in your head, it really does take just a few seconds. ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    Agreeing with RickO, let me just expand on what the workflow would look like…

    The recommended safe procedure is to move only compressed copies of the data file. This could be either doing (a) Save a Backup from with Quicken, which created a .quickenbackup file, or (b) in the Finder, File > Compress on your Quicken data file after you have quit Quicken, which creates a .zip file.

    After each Quicken session, copy the compressed file (either the .quickenbackup or .zip file) to anywhere you want to use for sharing. This could be Dropbox, iCloud, or in a folder on one of your Macs with File Sharing turned on. The next time you want to use Quicken on either machine, copy the latest compressed copy to the Mac, and double-click to open and then launch Quicken. At the end of your work in Quicken, repeat the process of making the backup or compressed file and copying it back to your shared storage location.

    Yes, this takes a few seconds each time to make the backup and copy it to your shared location, and a few seconds to copy it back and open it -- but it's the only truly safe way to do this. And after you do it a few times and have the workflow ingrained in your head, it really does take just a few seconds. ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • williagh
    williagh Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Thanks, these responses have been very helpful.
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