Update from Quicken 2015 to 2020

ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
I have Quicken 2015 Deluxe, which no longer works, apparently because I installed it on a new computer so I need a new ID. This is annoying (if true) because I thought I bought a perpetual license. Anyway, I now want the cheapest way to use my Quicken database on the new computer.

It seems that I must buy a subscription. If that's correct, can I use a Starter subscription or must I buy Deluxe, to match my existing Deluxe license?

Best Answers

  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try selecting "Sign in using a different Quicken ID" but use the same Quicken ID. I know it seems odd, but it fixes the problem.
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10


  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is no reason that your QW2015 should not work if you install the latest patch release for your version as cited by volvogirl.
    The base install points back to Intuit.com and the patch release changes that to Quicken.com.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • thecreator
    thecreator Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    ssf said:
    I have Quicken 2015 Deluxe, which no longer works, apparently because I installed it on a new computer so I need a new ID. This is annoying (if true) because I thought I bought a perpetual license. Anyway, I now want the cheapest way to use my Quicken database on the new computer.

    It seems that I must buy a subscription. If that's correct, can I use a Starter subscription or must I buy Deluxe, to match my existing Deluxe license?
    Hi @ssf

    Quicken 2015 Deluxe program works fine in Manual Mode only, where you need to enter the Transactions, manually.

    If you buy the Subscription Starter Edition, if you choose to not to renew, your database, becomes read-only.

    If you buy the Subscription Deluxe Edition, if you choose to not to renew, your database can be used in Manual Mode only.  However, you lose screen size, due to ADS. See: https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7720791/quicken-inc-should-eliminate-or-minimize-the-large-popup-with-expiration-119-legacy-votes/p1 

    Now, if you reinstall Quicken 2015 after you have Quicken Subscription installed, Quicken 2015, can't read the Quicken Data File.

    Quicken 2016, Quicken 2017 and Quicken Subscription products can read and work on the same Quicken Data File without problems.

    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Thanks, thecreator,

    I didn't give a complete enough explanation of my problem in my first email.

    We've had 2 users, each with their own computer, sharing a Quicken database for years. I know that that's not supported, but it's been working. The users don't use Quicken simultaneously. We have good backups and would be satisfied to rely on them if necessary, but so far haven't had to do that.

    One of the users intentionally wiped her disk and reinstalled Windows, which is now version 10. She then reinstalled all of her apps, including Quicken. We had saved the original installation files, so used them. The installation appeared to succeed, but when she tried to go into Quicken she got the message: "As a final step in Quicken's separation from Intuit, we have moved from Intuit's authentication service...you will need to take a few simple steps...Create a Quicken ID."

    The only choice was: "Get Started", so she clicked that. This popped up a "sign in as a different user" window. It showed that she was currently signed in as what we believe to be the correct ID; anyway, it's the only ID we have. The only choice was to sign out. She didn't do that because we were afraid it would affect the other computer, which is currently working correctly. (Is there a way to confirm that the other computer uses the ID we think it uses and, if it doesn't, what ID it does use?)

    We use Quicken manually, offline, and intend to continue doing that. We use it for only 2 purposes: (1) a manual checkbook. (2) accessing historical data, including investments, which we recorded in Quicken until 2016.

    We'd prefer to continue using Quicken 2015, even if there were no cost saving, but could live with any version that works. How do we accomplish that?

  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    From the working computer, have you tried going into Quicken and selecting Edit, Preferences and then Quicken ID?
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • thecreator
    thecreator Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ssf

    You can stay with Quicken 2015, easily on both computers, running the way you want to.

    On her computer, with Quicken close, use her Browser and go to: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/quickenpatches.html  and scroll down to Quicken 2015 and click on Release 17.4 Mondo to download and save it.

    Close the Browser. Right-click on the Mondo Patch and click Run as administrator to install it.

    When finish, with Quicken open, because no existing Quicken Data File exists, being a reformat and reinstall of the operating system, continue creating a dummy Quicken Data File.

    When done, click File, then click Backup and Restore to Restore a Quicken Data File and browse to the last Manual Backup and restore the Manual Backup, to its location in Documents\Quicken.folder.


    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Good idea. Unfortunately, when I just tried that, I got the message: "We could not retrieve your profile information." I then have the options "Try again", "Recover your password", and "Sign in using a different Quicken ID". If I click "Recover your password" I get the message "Please enter your Quicken ID (email address)". (Incidentally, according to my records, my ID is indeed my email address.) I can then wander through various windows intended to let me enter or change my password, etc., but all eventually ask for my ID and then reject it.

    Returning to my original problem, the "sign in as a different user" window tells me that I'm signed in with my correct email address, although I hadn't yet entered my ID or email address, so maybe they haven't entirely lost track of my ID.

    So it seems that their records are messed up. The message "We could not retrieve your profile information", from a running app, is enough by itself to indicate that. I'm afraid to call tech support because I don't want them messing with the registration of my working installation, plus they won't help anyway because 2015 is off support.

    I'd like to replace Quicken, but couldn't any software that's a good replacement for an old Quicken, so it seems that my only choices are to update to a subscription version (which I'd then have to update again every year) or share my good computer with my wife. In other words, Quicken's new sales are on the skids, so their strategy is to monetize their customer base -- I'm being monetized.
  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Try selecting "Sign in using a different Quicken ID" but use the same Quicken ID. I know it seems odd, but it fixes the problem.
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Thanks very much. We now have Quicken running on both computers.

    We used both your suggestion and thecreator's. We also had to install the Visual C++ runtime to get a DLL that Quicken wanted, but that was no problem. In addition, we had to create a new Quicken account, which we did with the same ID and password as the old one. I don't know that we had to use the same credentials or follow all of the steps from both of your recommendations, but that's what we did and it works.

    An (I hope) final question:
    During that process, Quicken said that it updated the data file and warned not to mix the old version with the updated one. We were using only a copy of our live database, so it's that copy which Quicken updated, but it should have been identical with the live data. We didn't do a backup/restore, but rather copied the QDF.

    Help/About confirms that both computers are running Quicken 2015 R17.4. This hasn't changed.

    So my question is, can we use the live database on both machines now? If not, what should we use? Since that database has been working on my computer, I can't see why it wouldn't work on both of them. However, I'm concerned by Quicken's warning.

    Thanks again.
  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Whoops, I meant "using your suggestion and Greg_the_Geek's." Probably other suggestions had the same or similar info, but I got it working before I had to use them to go further. Anyway, I appreciate everyone's pitching in.
  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Whoops again -- "your suggesting and the creators" was right. Still appreciate all the help.
  • thecreator
    thecreator Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    ssf said:

    So my question is, can we use the live database on both machines now? If not, what should we use? Since that database has been working on my computer, I can't see why it wouldn't work on both of them. However, I'm concerned by Quicken's warning.

    Thanks again.

    We've had 2 users, each with their own computer, sharing a Quicken database for years. I know that that's not supported, but it's been working. The users don't use Quicken simultaneously. We have good backups and would be satisfied to rely on them if necessary, but so far haven't had to do that.
    Hi @ssf

    Please explain about the database, You can use the same database file on both computers. But I don't understand. Is each person aware of the Financial 
    worth of each? Are you married, like in Husband and Wife with Children?

    All changes are entered manually. If one, makes a change, once that User is finished with using Quicken, that user needs to do a Manual Backup of Quicken and be restored to the other copy / installation  of Quicken.

    Quicken is used Manually on both computers.

    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    Married. Same 2 children. Same 6 grandchildren. Same house. Same dog. And, most relevant to this conversation, same joint checking account. The oldest transaction in a joint account in our Quicken database is dated 1994.

    There's no need to backup and restore when we switch users; the last thing we want to do is separate my wife's transactions from mine, since they're in the same bank account. The database is shared on a LAN. (I know that Quicken, the company, objects to that, but it's been working for us for a long time. We have good backups, so could restore if there's a data error on the network, but that's never happened.)

    The only remaining question is why did Quicken, the app, say (1) that it updated the existing 2015 R17.4 database when we pointed the new 2015 R17.4 install on my wife's computer at it and (2) that the updated database isn't compatible with the old one. I don't like to ignore a warning that I'm using a wrongly-formatted database.

    Nevertheless, I'm now about at the point of saying that this is just another example of the Quicken silliness we've been encountering at every turn during this reinstall. Unless I hear otherwise from a forum member, I'll just use the database and rely on the backups if this causes a problem.

    Thanks for your follow up.
  • thecreator
    thecreator Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2020 19
    Hi @ssf ,

    The database is shared on a LAN? Are you saying that the Data file is located on a Mapped Hard Drive? This is okay, as long as the same Quicken User ID and password, is used from both computers.

    [removed - off-topic/unhelpful]

    If the Database is located on a Mapped Hard Drive, perhaps, the Hard Drive wasn't mapped when Quicken was installed.

    Get Started appeared because the Mondo Patch was not yet installed. And did not located any Quicken data files located on the reformatted Computer.

    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The problem with what you're doing is that corruption may occur in your Quicken data file and you might not notice for months or years. Even though you might have backups, you could loose years of work.
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • thecreator
    thecreator Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @ssf ,

    See this thread regarding LAN / Network Use:  https://community.quicken.com/discussion/comment/20109759#Comment_20109759

    Many Users are reporting that they are doing what you are doing without problems. As long as you know what you are doing, you should have no problems. Just remember to do Manual Backups, in case of Power Failures.

    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • ssf
    ssf Quicken Windows Other Member
    A power failure would cause the same problem whether your database is on the same computer as Quicken or on a LAN. It's true that a power failure is more likely if the database is on a separate power circuit from the app, because there are more points of failure, but the solutions are: (1) for Quicken to implement BEGIN TRANS, ROLLBACK, & END (COMMIT) TRANS, which would be a lot of programming for them and wouldn't sell much software, but the only bulletproof protection against hardware failure, or (2) for the user to put UPSs on everything, which they should do anyway, but which wouldn't protect against hardware failures other that power.

    Installing the app and the database on the same computer is a weak bandaid for a little part of this issue.

    Returning to the original question -- i.e. nothing to do with LANS, but rather Quicken's message saying that they updated the database during reinstallation so it's no longer compatible with the new one -- we've started to ignore the warning. Working fine so far.

    Thanks all.
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