Quicken has started to alter transactions on its own

Peter Isakson
Peter Isakson Member ✭✭✭
Q for Win, R28.28
Over the last week or two I sometimes see already existing transactions that have been altered by Quicken, after doing a One Step Update (which may also invoke the sync function). The payee field reverts to what seems to have been created by the bank or credit card supplier and other fields (category, tags, comment) are deleted. I can't see a pattern of which ones are changed, but it has been only relatively recent ones (perhaps 3 or 4 in any of several accounts, including a checking and three credit cards). Not sure if this is related to the one step update or the sync to my cloud account. Very troublesome, as the deleted info is critical to me.


  • Quicken Hugh
    Quicken Hugh Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Peter Isakson
    Thank you for posting about your concern. 
    Just to be clear, are you syncing your Quicken data file to the Quicken Cloud (in order to use your file on app.quicken.com or your mobile phone app), or are you syncing your Quicken data file to a third party cloud service, like DropBox?

    If you will please run a test to see if we can help you resolve this:
    1. Temporarily turn off the sync to the Quicken Cloud and/or external cloud service.
    2. In your checking account Register, on the far right hand of your screen, please click on the Gear symbol, from the drop-down menu, check the Downloaded ID box, then click Done.

    3. Next, please go to File > File Operations > Validate and Repair; in the pop-up box, check the box in the upper left to Validate, then OK. You will get a DATA_LOG pop-up box. What does the Data Log tell you? Any notations about damaged or corrupted data blocks in the Data Log? If something is corrupted or damaged, contact support directly for more help.
    4. It's possible your Renaming Rules are mixed up a bit. Please review and adjust if necessary, both this and this article.
    5. Run a One Step Update again. How did you turn out? 

  • Peter Isakson
    Peter Isakson Member ✭✭✭
    I sync to Quicken cloud and use it on my cell phone, Android.
    I tried what you described. I was not sure exactly what to check in the renaming rules, though. The only error from validate was that it fixed a category. When I turned sync back on and synced one transaction in checking was altered by removing the fields I noted.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Peter Isakson

    Thank you for the response and for letting us know the results of the file validation, although I apologize that the trouble continues to persists.

    Can you please provide the location of your data? To confirm the location of the file please review the steps at the link below:


    This information will help us to isolate where the problem is coming from.

    -Quicken Tyka
  • Peter Isakson
    Peter Isakson Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    The QDF file is in "C:\Users\isaks\Documents\Quicken".

    I went through a long chat session with Q support where we logged out of the cloud account, reset it, logged back in, etc. a few times. That did clear up a few lingering problems (a lot of error messages when trying to sync) but has not solved this ongoing issue where a few recent transactions are altered incorrectly.

    I just saw about 3 credit card transactions that I had supplied a category for altered, so the category and other fields were changed to empty. This is serious, as I have noted a few where it was a transfer from my checking to the credit account, and the deletion of the account name, like [checking peter] caused the checking register to lose the matching tx, which makes the running balance incorrect.

    I see a new (as of the last day or two) behavior. Even if I change some transactions in synced accounts, when I exit Quicken it does not ask me if I want to sync. I can of course sync manually, and then exit manually. I have no idea what changed.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Peter Isakson

    Thank you for the response and let me know how it went with support although I apologize that the trouble continues to persist.

    I am not able to recreate this issue at this time I apologize. At this point, I would recommend contacting support by phone as they have more tools such as screen share to be able to research this issue fully.

    Alternatively, you may navigate to Help > Report a Problem to report this issue, although you will not receive a response or any updates reporting the issue this way.

    -Quicken Tyka
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